Chapter 10 - Meeting the Master

Start from the beginning

"I don't know." Winter answers, searching for anything else on the message, but there is nothing to find a real name. Weiss clenches her hand into a fist, scowling at the message when she looks at the name of her cruel father.

"I knew he was planning something..." Weiss snarls. "He was always so mad of Ironwoods plans and ideals...I guess it was only a matter of time before he did something about it." Weiss huffs, crossing her arms as she looks away from the Scroll. Winter glares at the message and she slams her Scroll down on the table.

"My instincts kept on telling me not to trust Atlas..." Winter hisses.

"What do you mean?" Weiss asks her.

"I think I might know what Whitley has been planning." Winter begins. "He has always had the idea that he could be the best descendant of the Schnees, that he could run both the business and become a symbol of strength. So he wanted to make a suit, like the Giant Armour your faced but one that he could wear. One that could be unstoppable and none would get in their way." Winter explains to her and Weiss clenches her hand into a fist from anger, she has always hated the little brat, but now she sees his true colours.

"So he was jealous..." Weiss realises, remembering when she asked him if he was jealous of his sisters' abilities.

"He was always the different one in the family, more like his father." Winter sighs, touching her forehead with her hand.

They both sit there, after reading that message; they feel like they should be back there at Atlas, stopping their father. But they can't, they need to put Ruby first at all times. She would do it for them.


Raven and Qrow both walk through a set of double doors. Before them is a woman in a bed, she has aged since two people here have seen her, but her serpent-like eyes open when the doors open. She is still hooked up to life support and there is a bandage across her side, recently replaced for her health. She still looks pretty battered from whatever she survived, from what has been said, it is probably the Knights of Grimm. She groans in pain, sitting upright slowly to look at them. "Never thought a human would rescue me." Sienna laughs when she sits upright. She presses her hand to her side, wincing in pain as she moves, looking at the two Branwens that have come here to speak with her.

"You owe us some answers." Raven states as she crosses her arms, looking down at them.

"To what questions?" Sienna groans, gritting her teeth.

"What changed? You were all gunning to take down the Schools with Cinder, now you are been hunted down like flies." Qrow questions as he walks over to her side. Her hair is now a reddish brown, most likely has changed the colour over the years. She leans against the back of the bed, exhaling as she looks back.

"I don't exactly know why they have started hunting us, I feel Adam might know more than me." Sienna states.

"Adam is currently unconscious after the beating one of our friends made him suffer through, after what he did to my niece." Qrow snarls, tightening his clenched fist. Things are still quite rocky with the relationship with the White Fang. But Raven stops him from doing anything rash, ironic considering the roles has been reversed. But with his baby girl's life on the line, he needs to have some answers. To any question that could possibly give a hint to where they are holding her. They cannot wait for the Architect to return forever.

"Look..." Sienna sighs as she sits up. "...I'm sorry for what happened, but I never sanctioned the attack on Beacon. Adam did that on his own accord, I only found out about the attack when it happened. I never wanted war, hell I never wanted the White Fang to be as aggressive as it has become. Adam's lust for revenge for what happened to his parents...and to made him become a monster." Sienna clarifies to the twins.

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