Chapter 11

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Alex's POV: 

"Look Alex, I know you hate me and all, but do you know anything about where Oli went?" Oliver's little slut, I think his name was Logan, asked in a shaky and concerned voice. At least he cared about my ex best friend.

"Well Logan, does it seem like I care?" I replied in a snarky tone, I also didn't know but he didn't need to know that. 

"please," he said softly. 

"hmm, let me think about it," I mused, "nope" He looked at me with disgust in his eyes. I may not be able to hear people thoughts, I could definitely tell he wondered why I don't care. He shook his head slightly and went back into his room. He should have learned a lot sooner that caring just gets you hurt. 

"Hey," a soft voice smiled. 

"Avery, hey," I responded. I was careful about who I choose to care about, but I already cared about Avery. She was so innocent and cute. 

"What happened with you and Oliver," Avery started, "I don't want to make you upset, but I know something happened and I haven't seen him in our history class."

"We just got into a fight that's all, don't worry about it" I responded, she was sweet and didn't need to know that he was missing. At that moment one of the teachers stepped into the commons. She saw me and started walking towards me.

"Alex you are needed in the principals office, immediately, I'll show you where it is," She stated matter of factly. She started walking and I knew I had to follow her. 

"I'll talk to you later, k?" I said to Avery as I was leaving. She just nodded.

"What did I do?" I asked, not remembering breaking any rules. She just stayed silent, not answering my question. We kept walking and eventually turned into a hallway that I hadn't seen before. She opened a big door into what appeared to be a waiting room, with a desk in the corner. 

"This is Alex, the principal wanted to see him," The teacher that brought me there said to the person at the desk. The person at the desk just nodded. The teacher left and shut the door behind her. 

"He is ready to see you," The assistant pointed towards double doors next to her desk, "Go right in" I walked through the double doors and as expected they shut behind me. The principal's office was large and decorated.

"Alex, it's lovely to finally meet you," The principal said, "You are probably wondering why I called you here, but don't worry you didn't do anything wrong-"

"Then why am I here?" I interrupted him. 

"It's your friend, Oliver, he has not been seen for 4 days, it is likely for students to try and escape, but no security drones have seen him since he left," the principal started, "and so you are here so we can find him, right now he is considered a threat to national security, I know he is your best friend-"

"Not anymore," I interrupted him again. He sighed.

"Ok, so he was your best friend, and now he is missing, and we need to find him, before he gets in more trouble, this school was built for young hybrids with extreme powers who have committed crimes or have no place to call home to get educated, and if this doesn't work they go to a maximum security prison, and that hasn't happened many times, but if Oliver doesn't return, he could be put on a wanted list and go straight to that prison." My eyes widened in shock, I knew Oliver and I had done some pretty bad stuff, but I didn't think we had only one last chance before we got sent to a maximum security prison. 

"Sir, I honestly don't know where Oliver went, and if your drones haven't caught him, I only know of one place he could be, but I know he isn't there, he wouldn't go back," I answered honestly. The abandoned house in the woods was a spot where we had played a lot as kids, and it was one of the drones blind spots. I also knew that the house had bad memories for Oliver, and he would only go back there if he truly wanted to escape.

"Are you sure about that, because if you are lying and we find out you will get in trouble," The principal warned. 

"Positive," I promised. I was still pissed at Oliver, but I didn't want him to go to the prison. I knew he would snap in there, and then he would take it out on everything, maybe destroy the entire world if he wasn't stopped. 

"I believe you, Alex," The principal said with a sad smile, "You are free to go,"

"Thank you," I couldn't wait to get out of the office and forget about Oliver. I was excited to spend the rest of my day with Avery.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2018 ⏰

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