Chapter 1

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I stared at myself in the mirror, despite the years that had passed, I can only see the bruises on my chest and the cuts on my wrist. Tears formed in the corners of my eyes, but the emptiness inside me  eventually won. The tears faded and just like that I was okay again. At least on the outside.

"OLIVER," my mom screamed, breaking me out of my daily sob fest, "it's time for school, you little brat." Right, today was the day I started my new school. A school that specialised in 'special cases, and they meant that in the worst way. My best friend, Alex, was also a half breed, so at least I knew someone. I walked downstairs, giving a half-hearted wave to my mom. I saw a little bit of concern in her face, that little bit that made me doubt if she truely hated me. I walked out the door without breakfast, like I normally do. I started walking and per usual Alex appeared at the end I reached the end of the block. 

"Hey bitch," he said. He always had that fondness and charisma, despite that we were the liners of the school. Half the kids thought we were serial killers and the other half thought we were abominations. I couldn't blame them because it not either of them were far off from the truth. 

"Murder anyone recently," I asked. He just shrugged.

"We've been watched since the incident," he said, "haven't really had the time." He has that look that the only one person he wanted to kill was himself. It pissed me off that he felt that way so I tripped him. His wings spread open the catch his  fall. 

"Ready to never come back to this shithole," He joked. I just glared at him, but knew he was right. Kids that went a 'special' school never came back the same. They were broken, just fit the system perfectly, but the worst cases, they were the ones that never came back. Most people don't remember them. Free spirits get crushed, dreams get forgotten. They say it's growing up, we say it's the system. But we are just teens, what do we know. Alex pulled me to the side of the pavement.

"Here we are," he pointed to a sign. 'Pickup for mixed breeds, naturals stay away'. We weren't trusted to know where we were going, we just got boarded up on the back of the bus. Our of the corner of my eye I saw a team of snipers on the roof, for pickup day they were prepared for someone to make an attempt to escape. I would know I was trained to be in a position like that, watching out for threats and sniping them before they got too close. I had hoped that those skills would help us escape this broken society, but even the rebellions were corrupt. Alex and I barely made it out. We had too much fun, and too much blood covered our hands. But that's a thought for another day.

Looking around I saw only one other person on the bus. A young boy who looked our age. His hair was dark and the terrible lighting made it look black. His eyes shifted colours between blue and red. A half-siren half-vampire. He glanced at me with a look of fear and excitement. Like he was going to enjoy the destruction I could cause.

"Your eyes," he said to me and Alex, " Yours are red and black, " he pointed at my best friend, "and yours are gold and black" he stared at me. Many people didn't know what the golden meant. It meant a direct descendant of God or whatever bullshit you want to believe. There was only one, and I knew because the government knew, and tried to kill me when I was young. The colour Alex and I shared was black, both of us has pure black, unlike the grey everyone else descended from demons has. Alex and I were special, or maybe Lucifer is a fuckboy, but we came from the top. So we were powerful, or at least everyone thought we were. Our true powers would come for two years, when we were 18. We still were powerful though, so we were constantly watched. They were waiting to put us in here, and boy we fucked up.

"Yea yea, we're extra special," Alex said sending a menacing smirk in the poor kids direction. I stilfiled a giggle. I knew he could be really dangerous, but he also wouldn't do anything, at least not here. 

My eyes were mostly black, but I guess the curiosity brought out some golden flecks. Alex's eye were always black with blood red flames dancing around and growing when he got angry. He could turn into a monster at any moment, which made us a great team. Uncontrollable power and unlimited strength.

A/N: here's the first chapter for a book ig idk what I'm doing with it it's just an idea I have I'll probably never finish it

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