Chapter 2

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I looked outside as we stopped. I saw a big-ass fence with barbed wire on top, but inside I saw something I wasn't expecting. 

"You do realise you took us to a huge mansion?" Alex questioned the pixie guard as she grabbed him by the arm and yanked him out of the car. I hopped out right after Alex, but one of my wings got caught on the door and it pulled a feather out. I bit my tounge to keep myself from screaming. My wing was on fire and I could feel the spot that the black silky feather had come from. 

"Nice going," Alex whispered in my ear. He was grinning and didn't seem to care about my feather. He didn't know what a feather being pulled out felt like. Only people descended from angels or big sky man had feathery wings. 

Alex had bat wings, from his vampire heritage. And from his demon side he had galaxies in between the bones. You could stick your hand through and feel space but Alex would punch you first. The back of his wings were like most vampires and bats. The siren-vamp had siren wings which were pretty much jagged fairy wings, except his were dark red. Sirens were the most dangerous of the paranormals.

 I had no paranormal heritage, I had supernatural heritage. Demons  and angels were the supernatural classes. Most people had no supernatural heritage. The 'lucky' ones had a little bit. Most products of Satan's sleeping around were killed as soon as they were born, Alex and I had powers that some how saved us. That didn't mean we lived free, we always had a target on our backs. 

"These are your dorm assignments," a nice looking pixie handed us some papers. Dorm 66, room 6. Alex had the same room assignment. They learned from trying to separate us last time. I may have accidentally stabbed some people. We walked to our room together and saw the boy following us. He was also dorm 66 but room 5. Did that mean we have 12 people in a dorm. I could live with that, but I don't know if Alex could, he just hates everyone. I still have no idea how we actually became friends. 

We finally got to dorm 66 which had a kitchen and living room. Alex and I found room and and started setting it up for something we could live with. I started turning the room black while Alex put fairy lights around. This was per my request, because fairy lights are fucking cool. The room was surprisingly big and the whole dorm was nice. This was apparently the last dorm, and it was midday so everyone was out. We customised each side of  room to our liking when there was a knock on our door. We opened it and the boy from the bus was standing outside with various other people.

There were 7 other people with the boy. There were 4 girls and 3 boys. I assumed the dorms were even between boys and girls. I realised the boy from the bus had dark blue hair, not black. As I looked around all the kids in here had dyed hair. One of the girls had a short pink pixie cut, which was fitting considering she was a pixie. The other girls had their hair tied back. Except for one in the back which just had blonde hair down, with a blood red stripe through it near the front. 

"Let introduce ourselves," said bus boy. 

"We are going to be with each other for a lot of time and they've locked us in for alone time already so we're stuck together," said a short boy with pastel purple hair. 

"Fine, I'm Alex, half vamp, half demon," Alex said begrudgingly. He looked like he wanted to stab everyone here so I glared at him. Everyone could tell from the black in his eyes that he was Lucifer's descendant. 

"I'm Oli, half arch-angel, half demon," I said annoyed. 

"No, you can't be arch-angels are direct descendents from God," said a smart ass  voice in the back. Gold flashed in my eyes and my pure annoyance from this shit bag. He saw the gold in my eyes and gasped. So did everyone else. Alex opened his mouth probably to tell them all to fuck off but I shook my head. We had to play it nice, as much as I already hated everyone.

"Hey popsicle, I'm Asher," said a blonde guy with a red streak in his hair. He looked like a fuckboy as he stared directly at my best friend.

"Oh fuck no, fuck off, don't go near my best friend," I said all to ready to slap him. Alex just laughed, his blue and red hair did look kind of like a popsicle I guess. 

"I'm niko," the bus boy cut in, before I could do anything. 

Pastel purple turned out to be Sam. Asher's roommate also looked like a fuckboy, his name was Logan. Before the girls could introduce themselves a knock and on the front door. 

"Lights out," a guard cane by. The harsh reminder that we weren't in a nice place. We all go in our rooms, girls in the first three, boys in the last three. The guard locked us in our rooms. He didn't seem to care that we didn't get to eat or that we changed the rooms. 

"Night Alex"

"Night Oli"

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