Chapter 8

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Soon I had covered all the walls in doodles. I moved to another room and removed a sheet I had put on it years ago. It was a mural of me and Alex sitting on the edge of a cliff, I was leaning on him and he was holding me. It was a tribute to how we were always there for each other, but not anymore. I decided I was going to finish it. I grabbed the rest of my sharpies and began to finish it. 

It took me a while to get the shading right on the hair, but I thought it was perfect. I had a faint halo over my head and Alex had similarly faint horns and pointed tail, but other than that I drew us as human. I grabbed a stool and wrote 'the weakness' in cursive and the mural was finished. 

I knew Alex was my weakness, my strength, and my poison. I also knew it was the same for him. The universe had stuck us together, and no matter what I did I couldn't get rid of him. It was a matter of time before something happened that forced us to work together. And forced us to forgive and forget. 

I stepped back from the mural and sat down. The mural got blurrier and blurrier, as I realised I was crying. This only made me hate myself more, I hated being weak, being myself. My earbuds were still in playing depressing music, and the mural of how my life should be but isn't just amplified the sob session. 

"Oli?" the one person I hated that I wanted to hear his voice again. 

"You- You're probably not real, leave me alone," my voice was shaking. 

"I'm real, its okay," he tried to comfort my shaking self. 

"Leave me alone, I don't need you or your help," my voice cracked that time. I didn't actually want Alex to leave, and I did need him and his help. 

"That's bullshit and we both know that, so stop lying to yourself," he said gently. He say down next to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder in an attempt to comfort me. The shaking stopped, but tears kept flowing down my cheeks. 

"Did you- You made that?" His eyes widened when he saw the mural I sharpied on the wall. He respected the sheet I had put over the wall and he had never seen the mural as a work in progress and I could tell him liked it. I just nodded, since my voice wasn't working right now. id have to talk to customer support about that. (A/N: My jokes are terrible I'm completely aware of that.)

"It's amazing, but you don't even like me anymore why did you finish it just now?" He already knew the answer, but I guess he wanted me to say it.

"I guess I don't hate you," I smiled weakly. 

"I know," He winked. Fuck his flirty attitude, it hasn't changed since when we met. 

"Everyone still thinks we hate each other," He brought up.

"Can't we just pretend to kill each other and live life outside the law," I asked. I already knew he'd say no.

"You know I can't leave Avery," Alex responded. I always hated talking about my feelings and conflict, which is why I change the subject a lot. Alex just leave it be most times, he doesn't want to pressure me. 

"I know, I just wish our life could go back to me and you versus the world, but its me and you and Avery," I pouted.

"What about your little boyfriend, Logan?" He asked.

"The only reason I flirt with him is because I know he likes me and well- uh- yea," I've always been the type of person to do things just because I can. I normally regret them later, but oh well. 

"Thats just going to lead to him getting hurt, the longer you keep going with this the more it'll hurt him." Why did he always have to be right, fuck this.

"I know, which is why I should fake my own death and never come back," I proposed.

"You know they'll just come looking for you," Alex was right yet again. 

"But why are we going to do, no one knows we can get out of the school, except Logan and Avery, how did we magically make up," I asked. 

"No one will question this, they're scared of us," Alex pointed out. I guess that was true they didn't want to question us. 

"If you say so, bestie," He just rolled his eyes at me. We were back to being the tall goth friend and the weird extra bundle of joy that were somehow best friends. 

"It's also midnight," Alex decided to just randomly tell me. 

"We should probably head back," I was happy with how this day went. Alex just rolled his eyes and we both teleported back. 

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