Chapter 10

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"HEY!" my roommate was trying to get my attention again. He waved his hand in front of my book. The book had just appeared by my bedside table, and it had looked interesting. I shut the book with force and pulled out an earbud.

"What the fuck could you possibly want this time?" I was so close to just punching him in the face. He had already interrupted me asking if I wanted food, or to just 'chat'. 

"Don't get mad," i rolled my eyes I was already mad, "but I was looking at your schedule and I have the same classes as you except for your specific magic class, but that makes sense," he rambled on. 

"Were you always this annoying, or was this your curse and how you ended up here?" He looked offended. Jesus this kid is so fucking annoying, it's like he has never heard of personal space or sarcasm, "I need a new fucking roommate mine is broken," I yelled at the open door. I went back to reading and he just glared at me. For someone who looked like a fuckboy he sure acted like he was 11. 

"I don't even know your name." he yelled at me, frustrated.

"Well I know yours, Jackson," I really knew how to get on his nerves already, I wondered how long until I got kicked out of this place.

"How much of a dick can you be," he was so pissed off it was funny. I just turned my music up and ignored him. I looked up at the clock to find there was only 5 minutes until I had to get to class. I just glared at Jackson and put my book down. I walked out of the classroom in my typical   outfit.

"You know we have weapons first, and you should wear stuff that you can fight in, since you can't use magic," he looked at me like I was a dumbass. I continued ignoring him and walked out to the central field behind the house. 

"Listen up, today we have a newbie in class," the weapons teacher grabbed me and pulled me towards in front of where the other kids stood. Some looked at me like I was their next target, and I so desperately wanted to show them that I could kick their ass. 

"Today we will he finding our weapons, they will call to you," the teacher said, if we didn't live in a world polluted by magic I would have thought he was crazy. He led the group over to a large shack, and started calling names of people to go in and get a weapon. He called my name late and I assumed I'd get a shit weapon. As soon as I got in the shack the lights shut off, and the only thing I could see was glowing coming from the back corner. Does this count as a weapon calling to me? I somehow found my way to the back of the shack and realised the glowing was cause by two twin daggers. I couldn't resist the allure of them, so I grabbed them. As soon as I grabbed them the lights turned on and I was surrounded by black smoke coming from the daggers. The next thing I knew I was standing back by my classmates.

"I'll have to tell the headmaster, you found angel blades, and they are black, those are the most powerful weapons in the universe," I heard someone in the back comment about how I didn't deserve them and he is so much better than me. I walked over to where he was and smirked.

"What was that?" I asked, expecting him to turn around and face me with a scared look. Instead he continued looking at his friends.

"I was saying how you are unfit for that much power, I bet you haven't even used your powers in your whole life," he said.

"OLIVER AND JAMES, since you seem to have some tension, you will be sparring partners this year," the asshole leading this class yelled at us. James turned to look at me.

"I'll enjoy messing you up this year," James taunted.

"You can try, asshole," I responded cooly, and under my breath I whispered, "you are acting so tough now, but you were trying to be my friend just a little while ago, make up your mind wimp," He just glared at me and went back to talking to his friends. The coach kept assigning pairs, and I wondered who Alex would be paired with. I wondered what would happen if Alex was my sparring partner. 

Stop thinking about Alex, I reprimanded myself, you left him and that's that. Don't go crawling back like a weak little kid, you are strong. you don't need to rely on him. I didn't know if I was trying to convince myself of this or if I actually believed it, but whatever. 

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