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A/N- Hello! Please review! I hope you enjoy the chapter. Also, I have a fanfiction account on Instagram now, it's @marauders._.fanfic. I'll probably be posting little oneshots on their, so follow if you want to read them! Also, I've published two new stories on my fanfiction account, go check them out!  You guys are awesome! xx

Chapter 29

Chiron motioned for me to take a seat as he trotted behind a desk. "So, what exactly did you see?" He asked me.

"Er, well..." I trailed off, feeling slightly uncomfortable talking to this figure of authority that I hardly knew. It felt like I was snitching on someone, despite the fact that I knew I wasn't. I glanced at Nico for approval, and he nodded encouragingly at me. I ran my hands over my thighs, took a deep breath, and began explaining. "I can do this thing. It's sort of like... like... sonar. Basically, I just searched for Leo's life force. And I found it. Like a blip on the radar. He was in some place called Ogygia." I heard the breath hitch in Chiron's throat.

"You saw Ogygia?" Chiron asked, awe-struck. I nodded frowning a little.

"Yes. Why is that a surprise? I don't understand why I shouldn't be able to." Chiron looked at me, studying me with a serious look on his face.

"My dear, Ogygia cannot be seen by mortals or half-bloods. Unless the gods send you there to meet Calypso." I snapped my fingers and pointed at Chiron.

"That's the name of the girl Leo was with!" I exclaimed. Chiron's brow furrowed.

"Nico, may I speak with your sister alone for a minute?" Nico looked nervous. I figured he didn't want to leave me. He'd always been overprotective of the people he loved. Finally, Nico nodded and left the room. I started bouncing my leg subconsciously, unable to sit still. Chiron came to stand directly in front of me. He smiled gently at me, as if to calm me down, and proceeded to say a line of prophecy I thought no-one but the gods knew.

"A double-blooded daughter of the underworld

Will save two existences and peace will unfurl." My leg stopped bouncing. I instantly felt anxious, and slightly shocked that Chiron knew the prophecy. "You think it's about you, don't you?"

"No." I said, then corrected myself. "I don't know. When I was working for Hades... for dad, he kept muttering that prophecy. He literally told me he had to keep me safe. That I was important. That the fate of existence rested on my shoulders. I thought he was crazy. I still do. But I have this little voice in the back of my head that keeps saying maybe he's telling the truth. Maybe everyone's in danger and only I can stop it." I explained, without taking a breath. I suddenly realised I felt close to tears. I blinked furiously to make sure I didn't. Chiron nodded slowly.

"What do you think double-blooded means?" He asked me, but in a tone that suggested he knew the answer.

"Well, I don't really know. I guess maybe because I'm a, oh, what do you call it?"

"Demigod." Chiron filled in.

"Yeah, I guess it means that I'm a demigod. Or that I'm a twin. I don't know."

"Hmm." Was all Chiron said in reply. After a while sat in silence, Chiron took a deep breath in. He smiled at me brightly. "You may go." He informed me. I stood and turned to leave when Chiron called my name. "Isabella?" I turned to face him. "Don't tell anyone about the prophecy, will you?" I felt my gut clench in panic. I'd already told Will and Nico, but surely that was fine? I simply nodded and left.

Nico was waiting for me outside. "You alright?" He asked me.

"Yeah, of course!" I grinned at him, trying to act like nothing was wrong. My meeting with Chiron had left me deeply unsettled. Why did I need to keep the prophecy a secret? Was it actually about me? I was cut off from my line of thought when Annabeth ran up to me.

Isabella, Tartarus survivorWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu