Why do I trust these strangers?

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Chapter 15

It was weird. I kept looking down at my body, but it almost wasn't there. And I felt like my consciousness was... fading away along with my body. It was distressing.

In front of us, lining the horizon, were thousands and thousands of monsters. The sight took my breath away. I had to admit... for the first time in years,I was scared of the monsters. And what's more, instead of trying to avoid them, I was walking right into the middle of them. My mind was racing with thoughts. 'Cosa sto facendo? Questo è così stupido! Perché mi fido di due ... due estranei che non riescono nemmeno a dimostrare di essere chi dicono di essere?' But as soon as that last thought hit my mind, my brain went blank, and I kept walking.

As we approached the nearest monster, Bob ushered us behind his back. "Stay quiet and stay behind me. They will not notice you." he told us.

"We hope." Percy muttered. Annabeth shot him a look as if to say,'Seriously, man? Not helping.' I agreed with her. Then, she took a deep intake of breath and said:

"Bob, if we're invisible... how can you see us? I mean, you're technically, you know..."

"Yes," Bob replied, "but we are friends."

"But Nyx and her children could see us." I interjected. Bob shrugged.

"That was in Nyx's realm. This is different." That seemed to be all the explaining we were going to get. Bob started walking again, and all three of us followed.

As we walked, we saw monsters fighting with each other and quarrelling. It wasn't an unusual sight, most monsters were pretty dumb, and argued amongst themselves. As we walked past a six armed Earthborn and a Laistrygonian giant fighting, Annabeth nudged Percy. "Look!" She hissed under her breath. I looked as well, and saw a guy in a stetson, extra-large blue jeans, and black leather boots, whipping some horses made of fire. His upper body was split into three different chests, each one wearing a different coloured Western shirt. Percy looked slightly shocked. I frowned.

"Do you guys know him or something?"

Annabeth nodded at me. "That's Geyron," Percy explained. "I killed him about two years ago."

I suddenly wondered just how many enemies the couple had lurking in the crowd, and then thought about how many enemies I had. I'd killed my fair share of monsters in my time down here, and I knew from the arai that a lot of them were pissed at me for it.

I saw Percy sneak a despairing glance at Annabeth. I realised that this would be extra difficult for the two of them. They were stubborn. Neither one of them was going to let the other die. And wasn't going to let them die either. Even if it meant sacrificing myself. I could tell they couldn't live without each other. I wondered again why I trusted both of them so much, and a piercing pain sliced through my brain. I let out a yelp, and Percy and Annabeth quickly turned to look at me. A couple of the monsters surrounding us looked around as well, trying to locate the source of the noise, but they couldn't see us.

"You okay?" Annabeth asked, a look of concern on her face.

I gritted my teeth and exhaled, waiting for the pain to subside, When it finally did, I nodded. "Yeah," I said, "I'm fine." As I said that, I saw Percy grimace.

"What's wrong?" Annabeth asked, worried.

"Nothing," Percy replied, "I was just-". He was cut off at that moment by a big, deep voice that bellowed:


Oh crap.

A/N- Hi! It's been a while. No, I am not abandoning this piece of work,it's just, life takes up time, ya know? I'm so sorry that this update took so long, but it's here now, yay! I would say that I'll try and update again this week, but I'm not making any promises that I don't know if I can keep. However, I can promise that the next chapter will be up within a month, and that's an Alaya guarantee! Thanks for taking the time to read this chapter, you're pretty great!

Until next time, peace out!

DISCLAIMER: All rights go to Rick Riordan. The only original character in this is Isabella, but everything else is based on Rick Riordan's work.

Isabella, Tartarus survivorTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang