I'm Isabella (ft. Leo and Calypso)

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Chapter 27

I'm sure Nico, Reyna and Coach Hedge have told you all about the ensuing adventures as we shadow travelled. I don't remember much, I spent most of it completely exhausted, and apparently, at one point, a shadow myself. That had spooked me, when Reyna told us that she'd tried to place a pillow under Nico's head and her hand had passed straight through him. I'd only just found my idiot twin brother, and by some miracle he was still alive and my age. If he got himself killed, I would be so annoyed with him. Mind you, I couldn't talk. Apparently I'd missed an entire adventure with this group of girls who called themselves the Amazon's, and the hunters of Artemis. Reyna told me it was because I severely malnourished, and had even less energy than Nico. I'd managed to help in the fight with Orion that followed their meeting, but I did hardly anything. Everything's a bit jumbled after that. I think my mind sort of opted out of the situation. I've been told now that it was because of the stress on my mind and my body.

The next thing I remember was arriving at Camp Half-Blood. It was a warzone. People in orange t-shirts fighting people in purple togas and armour. I pulled out my dagger and tried to defend myself. I scanned the sea of fighters, desperately searching for Nico or Reyna or Percy or Annabeth or Leo or Hazel, or just any face that I recognized. I spotted Nico running with a tall blonde guy, and two slightly smaller people, one a girl and one a boy. I also spotted the soldiers in purple who were sneaking up behind them, brandishing swords. I ran over and stood between them and my brother. I sliced with my dagger, trying not to kill anyone because I was pretty sure they were human and they wouldn't just regenerate. I had three on the floor unconscious, when I heard Nico yell "Issy, duck!" I did as he said, and flinched as a throwing knife whistled passed me, inches from my face.

"That was rude." I said plainly, then took a deep breath and slammed my fist into the ground. Four skeletons emerged from the spot I'd punched and began advancing on the remaining warriors. I heard a surprised grunt from behind me.

"Nico, is she-" the voice let loose a guttural yell, and then there was a thud. "I'm good." The voice said. The skeletons had done their job, and in front of me lay seven unconscious soldiers. I turned to look at Nico, panting hard. My vision went swimmy. Come on! I thought to myself. Why do I keep fainting at everything? I didn't survive 71 years in Tartarus to pass out every five minutes back on Earth. I heard a sharp intake of breath, and realised it came from the tall blonde boy. "Oh my gods, she is not well." I grunted in agreement, and felt my legs give way. I noticed the unconscious body of a Roman soldier behind the group of people as I fell. The blonde one caught me, and I faded into darkness.

There are some blurry things. A liquid being poured down my throat that tasted like my mama's cooking. Nico sitting next to me, holding my hand, whispering words that I couldn't quite make out. The blonde boy and some other people leaning over me with worried looks on their faces. For the first time ever, as I slept I had no nightmares. Instead I dreamed of a beach of white sand. A girl was there. She had caramel coloured hair. Running towards her came a small, impish looking boy. As he got closer, I realised it was Leo. He ran to her and wrapped her in a hug.

"Calypso." He breathed into her hair as she sobbed into his shoulder.

"You came back. You actually came back." She cried.

"Of course I did. I'm a man of my word, I wouldn't just leave you here!" He exclaimed. The girl, Calypso, gave Leo a final squeeze as she pulled away from the hug.

"How are we going to get out of here?" She asked. Leo grinned his cheeky smile and grabbed her hand.

"Follow me." He said, and led her down the sand. His dragon, Festus, came into view. Calypso let out a breathy laugh.

Isabella, Tartarus survivorWhere stories live. Discover now