For goodness sake, I'm not dying yet!

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My dreams were filled with fevered images. A statue, like the one I'd seen in my dream before, only it had glowing green eyes. A boy, made of fire, flying up into the sky and exploding. Rows upon rows of kids, heavily armed, kitted out in helmets and armour. They looked like a Roman army.

Other kids, in orange t-shirts that said something I couldn't make out. They were messier than the armoured kids, not arranged as neatly, but they seemed to know exactly where they were going and what they needed to do.

Then, a single boy, with limp, almost greasy, hair. He was wearing a purple t-shirt that had yellow writing on, and was stabbing a teddy bear, pulling out the stuffing. A tall, also blonde boy with a deep tan, marched up to him, and they began conversing. I could only make out the words "You anaemic loser" and I chuckled to myself.

Next to the tall, blonde, tanned boy was a slightly shorter, paler boy with dark hair. He looked ill. I recognised him. He looked like someone that I knew couldn't be alive.

My eyes rolled open for a split second. I saw fighting. I could see Percy and Annabeth were awake. I tried to get up, but I couldn't move my body. I felt useless. A groan fell from my lips, and a broad, Asian looking boy must have heard, as he shot me a glance, as if checking to see if I was alright.

I saw the boy again, the short, pale one that I recognised. I wanted to yell out his name, see if it was really him, but my voice had stopped working.

I also saw a man with dark hair, and a beard. He was wearing robes, and fighting with a blade that looked like it was made of darkness. He was fighting, but he kept looking at me, as did the boy with messy black hair. They looked like father and son.

The effort was too much. I could feel a sticky pool of blood around me. I closed my eyes, and willed it to stop. I could feel my consciousness slipping away, but I demanded it to stay. I was not ready to die yet. Not when I'd only just got out. To my surprise, it did as I said. My consciousness travelled back into my mind. I painted with the effort it had taken, and felt my eyes roll back into my head. I slipped back into unconsciousness.

Isabella, Tartarus survivorWhere stories live. Discover now