Whumptober day 26 (broken ribs)

Start from the beginning

When the first bell rang Logan was already limping, he thankfully made it in time for class, and as soon as Remy looked at him he knew today was going to be a bad day too. For the whole first half of the day Logan was silent and tried not to spit out the taste of blood in his mouth, he was never one to worry his friend.

When lunch came Logan was once again dragged away by the group of boys, this time they took him into an empty janitors closet and beat him once more, this time they used more force behind their punches and shoves.

Logan stayed silent the whole time.

Lunch soon ended and Logan had more bruises on his body than yesterday.

The rest of the day went on like any other, he did his work and listened to every lecture. When the school day ended Logan began his usual stroll, but of course the group had followed him. Logan didn't take notice until it was too late, he had arrived at the park not only to see that Roman was also not there, but to see too late that he had been followed. And before he could even plan an escape he was grabbed and shoved and punched until he landed on the ground with a harsh thump, he took a sharp breath and gritted his teeth as they started to kick him.

When the boys grew tired, one in particular pushed them away and told them he'd be the one to win the competition. So he kicked Logan square in the chest immediately knocking the breath out of him.

And then, as soon as his shoe came in contact with his chest, a sickening snap was heard, and excruciating pain was followed soon after.

Logan yelled. He screamed. He cried.

Everything stopped, the teens backed away and blamed each other before they decided to just run away leaving Logan on the ground, clutching his chest. Wheezing for breath. His chest ached, everything hurt, it hurt to breathe.

“Logan!” A voice from afar startled the writhing teen, he curled in on himself despite his current pain and whimpered. “No...” He rasped. “Go away leave me alone.” He begged desperately. A hand rested on his shoulder, he flinched hard and yelped. “Hey it's okay it's me, it's Roman.” The teen assured. Logan gasped and turned his head to meet with Roman's concerned filled eyes.

Roman was beyond worried, Logan was covered in so many injuries, and he seemed to have trouble breathing. He attempted to move Logan and received a sharp cry in response, he winced and apologized as he scooped him up into his arms. “Logan, I'm going to take you to the hospital okay?” He told him. Logan clung to him and breathed shakily.

Roman took that as an okay and began a run where hopefully he would get some help.

And sure enough as he ran through the city a couple had stopped to ask if they needed help. Logan had lost consciousness along the way due to the pain being too much for him to handle and that terrified Roman. Tears had filled his eyes. His heart ached for his hurting friend. A male around his twenties dressed in a baby blue polo shirt and khakis offered to drive them to the hospital while his husband, a darkly dressed male, helped Roman with Logan.

They arrived pretty quickly and as soon as Roman ran in asking for help Logan was immediately taken from him and rolled into the emergency room.

Roman waited with the couple who soon addressed themselves as Patton and Virgil both newlyweds. They talked about their life and Roman explained to them his relationship with Logan, he had loved him since elementary but never found the courage to tell him. He admitted that he hung out with the wrong crowd and as a result hurt his friend and their relationship. Now all he wanted to do was apologize and confess his love for him.

Hours passed, a doctor came and told them that he had three broken ribs. Roman felt sick to his stomach and asked if he was able to see him.

The doctor allowed it and led the trio to Logan's room where the now asleep teen lied peacefully. Roman nearly cried and ran to his side, taking his cold pale hand into his own. “Logan I'm so sorry.” He apologized. “I'm so sorry for letting this happen to you, I'm sorry for letting them hurt you. I'm sorry for being such a horrible friend.” He cried.

He squeezed his hand tight and dropped his head. “It's all my fault you're here. I should've listened to you, I should've protected you.”

Tears trailed down his face and his hands trembled.

“You helped me...” A weak voice rasped.

Roman snapped his head up and met with a weak smiling Logan. “You actually came to help me.” He stated. “Of course I did. I couldn't leave you.” Roman sniffed and wiped away his tears. Logan rolled his eyes and cupped his cheek, wiping away a stray tear. “Stop being a baby I'm okay.” He reassured. Roman's lip trembled and he wrapped his arms around him. “I beat one of them up.” He mumbled.

Logan froze. “Pardon?”

“Before I found you, a guy was running from the park. The one who had tripped you. I stopped him and punched him square in the face before I found you.” Roman explained. Logan lightly pushed Roman away to fully look at him, and when he looked at his hand, sure enough his knuckles were severely swollen and bruised. He gently took his hand and pressed a small kiss to his knuckles. Roman blushed deeply and nearly passed out. Logan himself was a blushing mess and dropped Roman's hand to his lap.

“Logan.” Roman cleared his throat. “Yes Roman?” Logan stammered. “Once your all healed up, do you maybe wanna go out for a cup of coffee?” Roman offered bashfully.

Logan smiled while Patton tried not to squeal.

“I'd really enjoy that.” Logan replied.

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