Ch. 13

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8 years later

 "Mom wake up!" groaning I open my eyes to see Ethan jumping excitedly while heading for the door. "What is it my little cub?" I asked sitting up from the couch. Sighing he walks over to me. "It's time to shift" he said then runs to the door. Getting up I walk to the door. It's been 8 years since I left the pack. After a few months I found out that I was pregnant and I couldn't believe it. I thought I wasn't ready to have a baby and I was too unstable to take care of it. I was still morning the lost of Isaiah, not having a place to call home, or any money, yet I was supposed to take care of another person. 

 But I knew I couldn't get an abortion or do adoption because I would regret it for the rest of my life. So I picked myself up as much as I could and became a stripper. "Come on mom lets go" he grabs my hand eagerly dragging me out the door. Locking the door to the apartment we get in the car and drive to the forest 20 minutes away from here.

As soon as we get there ethan jumps out of the car and starts taking off his clothes. Smiling I get out of the car and take off my clothes as well. Tying my clothes around my ankle I start to shift into my dark brown wolf. Running through the forest I pick up his scent and follow it. Catching up to him we play for awhile before laying down on the grass. 

 Mom we're going to be together forever right? He ask me through the mind link. Always my little cub. Why? I ask as I lick his face. My friend Ivy lost her mom and I don't want to lose you too. Ethan we all have to die one day, but even if I'm not here physically, I'm here mentally and will always protect you. Now it was his turn to lick me. And I'll protect you too. Getting up I push him a little bit then start running with him following behind me. Reaching the car we shift back and put on our clothes and get in the car. "What do you want for dinner?" glancing to the side I watch him fiddle with his hands before looking back at the road. "Mmmm spaghetti" smiling I shake my head. I don't know why I ask, spaghetti is his favorite.

 Getting home I quickly made dinner and ate before getting ready. "Are you going to read to me tonight?" looking up from my phone I see Ethan standing there at the doorway. "Sorry baby I have to go, but I will tuck you in" going to his room he climb into bed and I tuck him in. "See you in the morning." "Bye mom I love you" kissing his forehead I said I love you back and left.


Tonight was packed and request kept coming. "Is there a reason why it's so packed in here?" I look at snow bunny from wiping the shot glass. "It's pay day. People cashed their checks and headed over here" She leans on the counter and stare at me. "What?" I ask as I take a customer order. "You've been here for a while right" it wasn't a question, more like a statement. "Yea why?" 

"Did you ever think you would work here this long or you had another career in mind?" Memories of chief Matt at the fire department flood my mind. "I had another career but things happened and now I'm here."

"What happened?"

"It's a long story. Why are you asking anyway?"

"Its just. I wanted to know if I'll be doing this for the rest of my life." She looks down at her clothes then frown. Sighing I stop what I was doing and give her my full attention. "Look if you want to do something else, do it. Not everybody wants to stay being a stripper and they leave. Don't be the type that thinks this is all you know and all you will know how to do. Okay?"

Smiling she hugs me from across the bar "thank you so much" pulling away  I told her no problem and continued working the bar. "Gem I got a VIP for you" my manager, Tim, says as he point to one of the VIP private rooms. Nodding my head I walk around the bar and head towards the room direction when Tim stop me. "He's the owner of the club. You will give him everything he ask for and then some." Without saying a word I just continue walking to the room.

Knocking on the door I hear "come in" and walk in. "So this is the precious gem I've heard so much about" the man said as he look me up and down. He look to be in his late twenties or early thirties and had dark brown hair and eyes. Sniffing the air my whole body froze.

He's a werewolf

The whole time I've lived here I haven't seen any other werewolves here and judging by the power coming from him he's an alpha. "I see you're a rogue as well. Who knew I had a rogue on my territory" he said as he got up and walk around me.

"I didn't know this territory was claimed recently" I said while trying to hide my fear. "Hmmm what to do. How about that dance until I figure out if I'm going to kill you or not." He walk back to the couch and pat his leg. Taking a deep breath I climb on top of him and start grinding on him. The dance session lasted for about 30 minutes of him telling me what to do and me doing it.

"You're so beautiful" he said before kissing me. Running his hands all over my body he try to slip his hand in my panties but I stopped him. "No" his eyes darken in anger. "No. I do whatever I want to you. And if I want to fuck you" he slips his other hand in and put a finger inside me roughly "I will" he flips me over so I'm laying on the couch with him on top of me.

"I said no!" Growling I extended my claws and scratch his cheek. Big mistake. Touching His bloody cheek he lashes out on me. Beating me to no end with me fighting back. Kicking him in the balls I grab a vase that  was on the table and smash it on his head knocking him out.

Quickly I grab my stuff, run out the back door, and drive home. Once in the house I go to wake Ethan up. "Code red" once he heard that and took in my appearance he fully woke up and start packing his stuff. I grab a book bag and ran to the kitchen packing food. After that I go to my room and pack my things along with some money.

"You got everything?" I asked when Ethan ran into the room with his bag. Saying a nervous yes I grab mine and the food bag when I hear banging on the door. I knew it was the owner of the club. Crouching down so I was eye level with Ethan "code red is now code black" I watch as his eyes widened and tears start forming. "No I'm staying with you"

"No you're not. Listen I know that you're scared, but I need you to be brave and do what I told you to do if we're in this situation. Do you rember the direction I told you?" He nodds as tears roll down his face. I hear more banging and could tell the door was about to give in. "Get out here bitch!" I'm surprised he hasn't scream in agony because the whole outside the house was coated in silver.

Sighing I pull him into a hug and kiss his forehead "I love you my little cub"
"I love you too mom" giving him one last kiss I give him the book bag with the food in it while taking the money out of my bag and put it in his then push him towards the back door. "Go now!" I yelled seeing that he was hesitating to leave. Flinching he runs out and I shut the door just as the front door break and the man along with two other men walks in with a smile.

"Hello precious gem. Ready for round two?"


I've been running for hours avoiding cars and people when I'm close to cities. I also avoid pack land and only stop to eat, drink, or rest. I can't stop worrying about mom. Is she okay? Was she able to get away? Or worst, is she dead? When she woke me up and I saw the panic look on her face along with the black eye, bruises, cut lip, and bloody nose I knew something was wrong.

We were okay. Code red was we had to leave and go to a new place, but code black. Code black was I leave her and go to the pack. Go to him. Looking at my surrounding I noticed I was outside the border. Taking a step in I waited for someone to show up. After a few minutes two wolves showed up growling. Noticing me they shifted back.

"What are you doing here kid" the red head ask as the blonde looks around on guard. "I need to speak to your alpha"

"About what and where are your parents?" Tears filled my eyes as flashes of mom replays in my head. "That's what I need to talk to him about. Please let me see him." The two men look at each other for a moment then let me through and lead me to the alpha's office in the pack house. Knocking on the door I hear a deep voice say come in.

"Alpha this is the kid" nodding he told the guys to leave. Once the door was shut I sit down in the chair in front of him. "What's your name kid?" "Ethan" I said looking him in the eyes which was a sign of disrespect. Growling in warning "what do you want?"

"My name is Ethan Thomas. My mom is Jayla Thomas and you are my dad

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