Ch. 3

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Marisol up top--------------------->

"Now our valedictorian" clapping I tuned out everything. It's been three months since the incident at Keith's party and I've been avoiding Jordan and Keith like the plague. Heck I even celebrated my birthday alone.

"Jayla Thomas" snapping back to reality I walk across the stage shaking people's hands and accepting my diploma. The whole time I felt like someone was watching me.

Once the graduation was over with and everyone was exiting the building I headed for my car trying to avoid all the happy families around me.

"Jayla!" Turning around Keith was standing a few feet away from me holding a bouquet of roses next to Jordan and Marisol. Ignoring them I walk to my car. "Wait! Come on don't be like that"

"Jayla" turning me around Marisol gave me a big smile. "I just wanted to say congratulations" my wolf wanted to rip her apart but I held her back. Instead I gave her a smile of my own and no it wasn't a fake one.

"Thanks" turning back Keith is in the drivers seat.

"Just get in" rolling my eyes I got in. Five minutes into the drive I asked where we were going to. "To my house I thought we could talk there" nodding my head we sat in confrontable silence all the way to his house. Once there we went inside and sat on the couch.

"So what did you want to talk about?"

"I'm sorry for not having your back at the party" he said

"Really? You've brought me all the way to your house just to say that" sighing he looks at the floor "No also I want to ask for a favor from a friend" suddenly he was sitting right next to me holding my hands "Please be my fake girlfriend"

What? "What?" It sounded like he asked me to be his fake girlfriend.

"Please be my fake girlfriend" he says desperately

"Why?" dropping my hands he leans back into the couch "My mate is Jake Moore, but he won't accept that he's gay an-and I thought maybe...."

"Maybe if you went out with somebody he will get jealous enough to accept you as his mate" nodding he waits for my response. Looking at him he gives me the puppy dog eyes.

Sighing I agreed to help him. Smiling he gives me a bear hug. "Great let's get going" wait what?


"To Jimbos duh. Everyone is eating there for a graduation lunch" great we just started dating for not even a minute and he wants to show me off.

"Ughh can't we just stay here and play video games or something" I don't want to eat with the pack. All they do is stare and talk about me like I'm not there.

"Nope let's go" dragging me to the car we drove to Jimbos. Opening the car door for me I get out.

"You know you're paying for this right" hey if I'm being dragged to do something I don't want to do the least he could do is buy me food.

"Of course. What kind of boyfriend would I be" he said putting his arm on my shoulders. Laughing I opened the door for us. As if on cue everyone stared at me as we find an empty table.

Ignoring the stares I glance around the room looking for Jake. Spotting him looking at us I rest my hand on Keith's hand.

Don't look but Jake is looking at us. I said through the mind link. Thank God Keith wasn't the type of people who looks when you tell them not to.

Nodding he was about to speak when the waitress came. "Hi can I start you off with something to drink" she asked keeping her focus on Keith.

"I would like a sweet tea and my girlfriend will have?"

"Root beer" nodding she wrote on her note pad "A sweet tea coming right up"

"And a root-" before he could finish his sentence she was gone to get the drinks or should I say drink. "Here's your tea. What would you like to eat?"

"Um my girlfriend asked for a root beer" acting surprise she put her hand on his shoulder "I'm so sorry I will go get it. Are you ready to order your food?" Looking at me I just nod my head.

"Yes can I get a cheeseburger and fries" he ordered

"And I'll get-" I started but was cut off

"Cheeseburger and fries coming right up" with that she walked away. Growling I can feel my wolf trying to get out.

"Calm down" Keith whispered but was blocked out by the other people in the room whispers.

Is that the girl?

Yea I heard her parents didn't want her so they left her in the woods to die.

I heard she's a trouble maker. Always getting in trouble.

Really? Someone told me she's a prostitute

Wow no wonder no one loves her

That's it. "Shut up!" Getting up I threw the table to the other side of the restaurant. People rushed to get out of the way as the table crash into the window causing glass to fly everywhere.

Rushing out of the place I shift into my dark brown wolf and ran into the forest. The whole time I was running Keith was trying to get in my head but I just blocked him.

Slowing down I stopped at a cliff. Laying down I tried to calm down when suddenly Keith comes out of the trees.

"There you are" walking he sat down right beside me on the cliff running his fingers through my fur. "Now I know why you didn't want to go. I'm sorry I put you through that"

Don't be it wasn't your fault. I'm sorry I should've told you why I didn't want to go. Now I probably ruined your chance with Jake. I use my tail to cover my face. The first friend I ever had and I let him down.

"Actually you've helped me. When I was about to chase after you Jake stopped me asking if we were really going out. To me he sounded jealous" shaking my head I look at him.

Shifting back I gave him an unexpected hug that shocked not only him but myself as well. "To tell you the truth you're my first ever friend.... And if you tell anyone about me actually caring about something I will kill you" chuckling he hugs me tighter when all of a sudden two loud growls were heard.

Oh shit

Standing behind us were none other than Jake with almost black eyes and Jordan with completely blacken eyes. Confused on why they were here a cold breeze went by making me realize something.

I am completely necked.

In front of three guys.

Fuck my life.




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