Ch. 12

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 "You slept with him didn't you?" walking around the down town area I told Keith about me going to Isaiah house two weeks ago and all our other dates. "No I didn't. We kissed a few times but that was it." looking at the stuff in the windows of the stores we passed by I couldn't help but think about if our relationship is real or if he just wants to get in my pants.

 "And you're secretly dating him because my asshole of a cousin ordered you not to see him again" nodding we continued walking until we decided to get something to eat and head back to my house. Getting comfortable on the couch we ate in silence until he decided to ask a question that caught me off guard. "What's going on between you and Jordan and don't lie to me." sighing I put my food down on the table and turn to face him.

 After making him promise me not to say or do anything to Jordan I tell him everything from the beginning, lets just say only had two emotions throughout the story. Anger and sadness. "I can't believe he rejected you" suddenly I was in his arms in a bone crushing hug. "It's okay I'm over it" I tell him though I know deep down I'm not. "No you're not okay. He rejects you for another woman and orders you to never be in contact with Isaiah. Plus Marisol has no idea and is trying to be your friend" I didn't say anything after that. I just sat there thinking about how unfair life is.

 Pulling away Keith looks down at me with a frown "Why didn't you tell me we missed your birthday?" he says. Getting up to sit back in my original spot next to him "Because it's not important"

 "It might not be important to you but it's important to me. You're my best friend and I want to celebrate the day of your birth." "And we're going to go all out for it" shaking my head no he continues "Yes we are. You never had a birthday party so, you're going to have one this year and if you don't like it we'll have our own party for the rest of your birthdays. Deal?"

 "Fine" grabbing my phone I look at the time "Shit I'm late"


 "Yea I was supposed to meet up with Isaiah"

 "Oh thank God I thought you were pregnant" he sigh in relieve

 I can't believe this "We had sex one time!" shrugging he walks with me out the house. "One time is all it takes young flower" chuckling I shake my head. "Yea but he's a human it would take more than one time to get me pregnant" with that we went our separate ways. Since the park not that far away I decided to walk.


 "Hey I'm sorry I'm late" I rushed out as soon as I got to where Isaiah was at the swings pushing a giggling Diamond. Stopping for a hug he kiss my cheek "It's okay we actually just got here five minutes ago. Jasmine was still doing diamonds hair when I went to pick her up" looking at her hair I noticed that it was braided with beads in it.

 Taking diamond out of the swing I give her a big hug. "Hi beautiful" hugging me back she starts bouncing in my arms "Play with me" putting her down we walk up the steps to the slide with me helping her. "Hey" looking up with diamond on my lap to see Isaiah taking a picture of us. We spent the whole day playing at the park and decided to eat at a family diner. Giving the waiter our order Isaiah stares at me "What"

 "You are so beautiful" blushing I look at diamond sitting right next to me color on the paper that they give kids to keep them busy while they wait on the food. Why don't adults get that? "So how's your day?" focusing back to him I took a quick sip of my drink "It was good. I hung out with Keith. How's yours"

  While he was talking I caught a familiar scent. Oh no this can't be happening. There he was, Jordan walking in with Marisol hand in hand. "Jayla" snapping back to Isaiah I said a small sorry. Before he could say anything the waiter comes with the food. "Yay!" diamond cheer and do a happy dance as she gets her chicken fingers and french fries. Doing a happy dance with her I take a bite of my burger while Isaiah chuckles and shake his head.

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