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When Violet's presence was seen in my office, I remembered about that one thing I wanted to ask of her. I was planning on changing my office's interior design and I'd like to ask her for suggestions. I had four designs that I was choosing from but I can't decide which is which. Maybe her opinion might make me decide.

"Yes, of course it's not part of your job. But as a friend, can you please---"

"I'm afraid I can't, Sir. Please excuse me." I couldn't help but stopped on moving. I blinked for a few times and looked at Violet who was already leaving my office.

Did she just cut me off?

"Violet would never do that in a lifetime. She's too kind and pure to even disagree with me." I mumbled  and convinced myself that I was only dreaming.

But I was awake and Violet really did cut me off amidst my sentence. Was she in a middle of a problem for her to do that?

I mean, she might be troubled and wasn't in a good state. It may not justify her action but at least there's a reason behind it. Is her problem that big to act rudely to her boss? I treat her more than just a secretary but I'm still her boss. I may not be the Director of this company but I was still someone who needs to be respected. Plus, she's working under me.

I blew out a sigh and just focused on working. Maybe whatever's bothering Violet will fade away quickly. We all have bad days and maybe hers is today. I'll try to understand.

I continued working and proceeding with my usual day. I tood myself that I won't bother Violet for awhile but I didn't have a choice when I needed the reports from the marketing department.

"Violet? Please pick up the reports from the marketing management. I need them right away." I had a hard time pretending that I did not care through the telephone.

Sounding angry might add up to her problems and I can't do that. She was too precious to be troubled like that. It's making me worry, honestly.

I'll find the right timing and ask her what her problems are. I'm her boss but she can confide with me anytime she wants. She's not a stranger to me and I'll wholeheartedly listen to her.

While waiting for the reports, I busied myself by reading messages from my personal account. I may be a busy person but I still know what social media is. Besides, that's where my sister contacts me so I can't give it up.

I was busy browsing when somebody knocked on my door.

"Come in." I stated without averting my gaze on my phone.

"Sir, here's the report you were asking for." I quickly lifted my head when I heard a male's voice. What the hell?

"Why are you giving this to me? Shouldn't you be in your office and not here delivering the reports?!" I angrily said.

Why is the chief of marketing here? I was expecting Violet and he emerges in my eyes? That made my blood boil a little.

"S..Sir, I just...thought that you may...be---"

"Nevermind. Go on your way." I said and shooed him to leave. I'm mad and seeing him won't make it subside. He needs to leave right away.

I saw how he quietly walked and opened the door. When I heard the door creaking, I couldn't help but remind him something.

"Don't deliver the reports here yourself! Give it to my secretary you little---" I couldn't finish what I was saying when he slammed the door.

He had the audacity to slam the door? Ha! The nerve of that chief.

I calmed myself when I remembered that I'm attending a meeting with the Board of Directors. They were a group of mad old men who likes making me enraged. I'm going to store all my anger for them. Before leaving my office, I realized that I can ask Violet to accompany me. After the meeting, I'll apologize to her for adding up to her problems. That's right.

I called her and she came with me to the conference room. I was about to talk to her when I noticed that everyone was already there. Time to make the real deal begin. I sat all throughout that meeting and did not react drastically. I'm just a display there and they don't even listen to my opinions. When the meeting finished, I approached Violet.

"Violet, let me drive you home." I offered because it was partly my fault for making her attend the meeting with me and thus making her go home so late. It was already nine in the evening.

I will feel so bad if she goes home by herself. The world is getting dangerous and scarier as generations pass by. I would certainly not agree for Violet to go home on her own. It's too late now.

"It's fine, Sir. I can manage." she said and I heard her clearly emphasizing the word Sir.

For some unknown reason, I felt a pang to my heart. Why is she calling me Sir with so much stress on the word? Her doing that is making me feel bad for some reason.

"No, I insist. It's already late and it's dangerous for you to go home alone."

I saw how she sighed deeply and looked at me without any expression. Her eyes were void with any emotions and I couldn't decipher what she was feeling right now.

"He's waiting for me, Sir. Please let go of my hand." she stated and I glanced at the car not far from us.

A guy was standing just by the car's door and was looking at us with his forehead creased. That's when I realize not to push the topic anymore. Violet's boyfriend is waiting and I was making her uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry, you can go home." I mumbled, ashamed of myself.

I felt ashamed by making my secretary uncomfortable. It was clear that she doesn't want me to drive her home but I still insisted. She might have been frightened by my impudence towards her.

But I meant no disrespect. Not at her. Never at her.

HIS SECRETARYWhere stories live. Discover now