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I was wearing a silver fitted skirt and a blue glittery top for today. The human resource department held a farewell party for an employee who will soon leave the company. It was held in one of the private rooms of a famous bar. I don't know if the farewell party was mandatory and if the attendance was also mandatory.

Hera invited me and I was forced to come. Bars aren't my thing at all. I never even liked any one bit about it. But it was too rude for me to turn down Hera's invitation so I came. She is just too great of a friend for me to turn down. I told myself that I'll only sit around and cheat the others by fooling them that I'm actually drinking. Getting drunk is the last thing I'd like to do. I'm not planning on getting doomed tonight.

Courtney informed me back then of what my drunk state was like. She said I would sit around in total silence first before finally spouting several tea which will make or break me. And in my situation right now, I am super not gonna get drunk and spill beans. Not right now, I guess.

"You should have fun, Violet!" Hera shouted through the loud music in the room.

"What?" I asked because all I could hear were gibberish. The music was just too deafening for me to understand what she just said. 

"Have fun!" Hera shouted again and raised her glass of beer.

I was about to answer her when she suddenly left me and went to the other table to mingle with the others. I was left with no choice but to sit around and observe the people. They were having so much fun. Which I think I won't be having tonight.

The party was going super nice and smooth not until someone unexpected arrived. Some stopped from having fun and looked at the new arrival. It was Zachary.

"Did somebody invited him?" I asked Hera who came back to the couch beside me to eat.

"I don't know. Maybe somebody invited him. Hey, I'll just head at the other side to talk with my other friends." she answered without looking at our boss.

I bet Hera is a little tipsy right now. She's drenched in alcohol and I can smell it from her.

"Okay." I mumbled and helped her up. Hera's totally drunk.

I followed her with my eyes and greeted the boss right after. Zachary walked towards me and sat on the couch next to me.

"I didn't know that you'll go here, Sir." I uttered and he smiled.

"It was a last minute decision. I just thought of coming here to loosen up." he answered and ate a chip. He looked really stressed.

I replied him with a nod. To loosen up? From what? From finding me? Lately, Zachary's been out of the company and I assume that he was taking care of his other business. That is to find me.

I hope they aren't making any progress. As much as I want to see Zachary back in the company, I won't trade that for my freedom. I'm experiencing utter freedom right now. I just can't throw myself under the bus in exchange of Zachary's presence.

When Zachary fell quiet, I also didn't talk again because I just felt that the atmosphere wasn't suited for talking. Zachary was also silent and was drinking. He really do look stressed out.

"Why aren't you having fun with the others, Violet?" he suddenly asked after he drank the fifth shot glass of alcohol.

"I'm fine here, Sir. I'm not into partying." I honestly answered and he smiled while nodding his head.

"It must be your first time in a bar. Don't worry, you can just sit around while the others have fun. Someone should stay sober during these kind of parties, right?" he pointed out and I couldn't help but smile at that.

How do we think in the exact same way? I was just thinking of that right now. I was the type to be the sober one in a party.

"Right." I mumbled and smiled when I suddenly remembered a particular moment in my life.

It's true that I was assigned on being sober. Whenever Courtney, Luke, Cassandra, and I have a small party in any place, I was the one in charge of being sober and taking care of the drunk people. One time, I really had it rough because Courtney went ballistic and had a cat fight from some random girls who she claimed that called her fat. It was one of my toughest nights in my whole life.

I looked at the my left side where Zachary was. He suddenly went quiet so I turned my gaze only to see an empty spot. My eyes looked for him and saw him going out of the room. Where is he going? He might get into trouble so I followed him to the rooftop. Zachary was drunk. I can tell that he was drunk due to his style of walking.

"It's suffocating inside of there, Violet." he mumbled mindlessly. Basing from the way he speaks, he's really totally drunk.

"You should sober up here, Sir." I suggested and he waved his hands up in the air. He's drunk indeed.

"I'm so tired, Violet. It's so darn difficult to find her." he started saying and I suddenly became worried.

He's spatting out confidential information again. What do I need to do? He should really stop giving out super dangerous information whenever he gets the chance. Imagine if I wasn't the one in here? He could have been doomed with that.

"I'm thankful that I have you by my side, Violet." he mumbled.

I was stuck in place when he said that. My heart fluttered and butterflies started dancing in my stomach. I'm feeling it again. I'm feeling this shit again.

"You feel like a.." Zachary trailed off and smiled right after. "Friend, more than a secretary, Violet."

All of a sudden, the flutter faded away. Instead of feeling happy about his reply, it made me sad. I know I should feel delighted that he treats me as a friend rather than just a secretary but I felt a pang on my heart.

I must have like Zachary this much to feel hurt about that statement.

Although he wasn't talking about how he treats Kendra, which was also me, it still brought me pain. I don't care whether he sees me as Violet Carter or Kendra Rivera. What matters is how he feels towards me. But I guess you can't be in love with two persons at the same time because if you do, that isn't love. It's just a little feeling of infatuation.

"You're drunk, Sir. We need to get you home." I informed him because he should stop doing this.

"No not at all! I'm totally fine Violet." he removed my hands from his arm and looked at the starry sky above.

"I'll call your chauffeur, Sir. Please stay still." I said and texted his chaeuffeur Zachary won't stay still and stood up to throw his hands up in the air again. What is he doing?

"Violet!" he shouted and I fixated my gaze at him. He's suddenly shouting my name.

"If you like me, please stop. I like someone else." he said and that was the last straw.

I stood up and did not bother to look back. I'll just call his chauffer for him. I can't bare any more pain tonight.

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