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I went out of the bar without informing anyone. I left Zachary in the rooftop and sat on one of the benches outside. There was a small park in front and I couldn't help but cry. My tears wanted a way out and I let them be. I may not have been vocal about it, but I like Zachary. I know I like him. I always knew.

Even when I was still in the identity of Kendra, I was slowly admitting it. I was slowly embracing the fact that I'm starting tk like Zachary. Our first meeting back in California had left a big impact to me. He was the guy I have been looking for to like. He was the perfect guy which I was wishing for, for God to give me.

It just hurt a lot when he told me to stop liking him. I know he's drunk but I was told that a drunk person was more honest than a sober one. So I'm taking that rejection seriously. Drunk or not, I got a solid rejection from Zachary.

I sobbed and wiped the tears with the back of my palm. Why do I have to end the day crying? This was not the way I imagined myself after that farewell party. I'd rather handle a hundred drunken co-workers than cry because of a rejection. But God probably wanted me to be this way. I guess he really just had to make Zachary reject me in a painful way as possible.

It's even more painful to think that Zachary may or may not remember this tomorrow. It is just too cruel for me to handle the burden alone. What if he doesn't remember this tomorrow? Then I would just be a dumb secretary who is having a little crush on her boss despite the fact that they can't be together. I would be a love idiot.

"Hey." somebody called and I lifted my head just to see Cyan looking at me.

How did he got here? It's unlikely for him to go this kind of place at night. He'd probably choose to sleep than party.

"Why are you here?" I asked and he leveled our eyes and smiled.

"On my way home when I saw you here." he replied and gave me a comforting smile.

"Really?" I asked to make sure.

"Really." he replied with sweet voice and that somehow made my tears subside.

I then realized that the bar was on one of the streets that Cyan will be passing by to go home. I got a glimpse of the smile on his face. His smile was rather pleasing to the eyes today. Or did I cry that much?

"Somebody told me that a smile is contagious so I need to smile to make at least one person smile too." Cyan stated and I couldn't help but smile because of that.

I remembered telling him that. He was the serious kind of guy so I made him try smiling. He was more ravishing when he smiles. So I even searched the internet for an inspiring quote just to see him smile. And he is using it on me now. Clever boy.

"You smiled!" Cyan exclaimed and my smile grew wider.

Cyan helped me up. I couldn't help but shiver when the cold wind passed by us. It was so cold that I got goosebumps. He must have noticed that I was cold so he took off his coat and put it on my shoulders.

"What about you?" I asked and he shrugged.

"You'll be cold if you don't wear that. I'd rather catch a cold than make you shiver in the night." he said and it made my heart flutter. He was such a caring guy. I couldn't ask for more.

"Won't you ask why I was out here in a pretty outfit, crying?" I asked when Cyan stayed quiet.

I mean, if I were to see a close friend crying in the night with a pretty dress on, I won't help myself but ask. Isn't that an impulse action? Not generalizing but if it really were me, I would ask right away. I wilk asked why she or he was crying.

"I won't pry, Kendra. I don't want to pry." he meaningfully said and with just that, I felt how he cares for me so much.

"Why wouldn't you? It's human nature to pry, Cyan." I joked and he just chuckled at my remark.

"Besides, if you really want to tell me, you'll tell me." he pointed out and that made a whole lot of sense. 

That overwhelmed me. He was so mature to think and understand me like that. He's the epitome of a boyfriend material guy.

"Thank you for not being inquisitive." I mumbled to him because it meant so much to me. 

"It's a very simple thing for me to understand. Like what I said, you'll tell me your problem if you were ready." he boasted and I smiled at that remark.

"You really fit the doctor image, Cyan. No wonder you became one." I complimented him.

He was just too hard to picture with a different job. I bet he was really destined to be a great doctor. The image really do fit him so well. Just like how Cinderella's glass slipper fits her too.

"Thank you for that compliment." he said and smiled at me. I granted him a smile too before clenching on his coat. I pulled it nearer to my body to make me warm.

We stayed quiet at the bench and just adored the cold wind brewing the night. There were people passing by but we did not care and just seated there.

"Should we go to my car?" Cyan suggested and I agreed at once. At least inside his car, I won't be cold.

He offered me his hands and I couldn't help but look at him. "Why do I feel like you're asking me for a dance?"

"Do I look like one?" he played along and I shook my head while laughing.

"You do seem to be the guy who just sits in his table and girls swoon over, am I right?" I bantered and we both burst into laughing.

"We should really go to my car. The cold wind must have entered your head to say gibberish, Kendra." he stated.

My eyes bawled when he confidently flaunt my name in public. Was he insane? We were outside and people might hear us. I stood up and put my pointing finger on his lips before checking around. When I made sure that there weren't any people around, I looked at Cyan.

"Sorry." I mumbled and flashed him a smile before removing my finger.

"It's fine. Your finger tasted like berries. Have you perhaps, eaten one?" I don't know whether he was just joking but I chose to play along.

"Not sure if it was my soap or my hand sanitizer. Feel free to choose." I said and ran away when Cyan looked at me in disgust.

"Is it true? That's very disgusting, woman! It's unhygienic!" he complained and ran after me.

"Whatever, you tasted it anyway!" I added to my joke and I heard Cyan groaned in disgust.

Cyan didn't care about it anymore when I told him I was only joking. Thanks to him, my day ended well.

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