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A week passed by after I came back here to New York. Dad was right that the issue were no longer talked about and it was safe for me to come back. The issue about Harry and I vanished as if it never even existed at the first place at all.

But the mere passing of a week didn't made me forget about Zachary. No matter what I do, he keeps on lingering on my mind. Is he some glue to stick on my mind? Despite the fact that Zachary involuntarily enters my mind, I surprisingly did not get annoyed. It even brings a smile to my face whenever he enters my mind. A smile instantly appears whenever his name echos in my mind.

I thought I already left everything that happened in California. I couldn't get a grip of what Dad always tells me. If something happened in one place, it must stay there. It was so easy to do before but why can't I do it now? I'm afraid I can't even let all of those things to just stay in Cali.

"Madame? Are you not feeling well?" I suddenly snapped out of it and I looked at Red.

She was staring at me full with worry in her eyes. She must probably be worried why I was so quiet today. I couldn't blame her. I came to work so early and went straight to my office chair while staring at nowhere.

"No, I'm feeling great. You were saying?" To divert a topic may be my expertise now. "Ms. Adams is currently in the lobby waiting for you, Madame. Shall I let her in your office?"

"Please escort her here." I told Red and she went out of my office to do what I ordered.

I retouched my makeup and fixed my hair. Courtney is coming and she can't see me in a dreadful state. Curse Zachary for this. I couldn't even sleep well this past few weeks. And who's fault is that? It's Zachary's fault. He kept appearing on my dreams that's why I was so scared to even close my eyes. Seeing him is enough but appearing in my dreams? That's total horror! Never in my life did I even dreamt of a guy.

I mean it's not like it's a sin to dream of a guy but it's just a whole new topic for me. I sincerely am against anyone entering my dreams.

"Kendra!" Courtney shrieked and hugged me in excitement. This was the first time she's meeting me after I came back from California.

I never even had the time to say goodbye to her. I felt guilty about it but seeing how she came here with utter glee on her face makes my guilt fade away somehow.

"Why are you so energetic today?" I asked and she shrieked once more before showing me a car remote.

My eyes grew bigger and I couldn't help but scream with her. Gosh! Finally, her parents permitted her to drive a car.

"That's great! Oh my God, shouldn't we do a celebration for this? You're finally going to drive your car, Courtney!" I suggested and Courtney's smile grew bigger.

"I do love to have a celebration party but I suggest that we do it after Luke goes home." she said and sat on the couch.

"Why? Is Luke acquiring something big soon?" I asked because I don't have news about my friends.

We're all busy dealing with our own lives that I couldn't keep updated with my friends' lives.

"He's in Brazil right now to secure a deal. I heard it was a big one." Courtney said and adored her new manicured nails.

I nodded and felt proud with my friends. They were already stepping one foot towards success. It's something I really wish for them to achieve. We promised each other to be succes no matter what happens and to be with each other in this lifetime.

"What about you, Courtney? Aren't you planning on starting a business of yours?" I asked curiously because out of the four of us, she's the only one sitting prettily. No offense but I'm just sincerely worried about her future.

I know how Courtney wanted to start a company related to fashion. However, her parents' indifference towards her goal made her stop dreaming. Courtney may seem like a spoiled rich kid but she's actually not.

"Don't start with me, Kendra. My parents doesn't even approve of me working. All they want me to do is wait until they can finally hand down that hospital of theirs." Courtney stated and she rolled her eyes from annoyance.

"You're inheriting the hospital? I thought Cassidy will be the one to have it?" I asked because we all know that her twin sister sought after that hospital owned by their parents. Her twin studied medicine so why weren't they giving it to her?

"Exactly! I also thought they were going to give it to Cassidy and I even agree with that one. I don't understand why they wanted their daughter who did not even study medicine, inherit that hospital."

She blew out an annoyed sigh and fanned herself with her hands.

"You studied business, right? Maybe they wanted to give it to you because you studied business management." I tried to make some sense in her parents decision on giving Courtney the hospital.

It's arguable, right? Maybe they just wanted someone that can handle the business to get the hospital rather than a doctor.

"It still doesn't make sense. Isn't a doctor a better option than a business management graduate for the position?"

I decided to not continue the topic anymore. Courtney looked frustrated and I felt bad on arguing with her. She seemed pretty upset.

"Shall we go shopping after I finish work? Maybe it might bring your mood back." I suggested and stood up from the couch to sit on my chair.

"I like that idea, Kendra. But by the way, I wanted to ask a question." Courtney stated and gave me a smug smile..

"Fire away, Courtney." I said and she smiled at me in a way that made me feel anxious.

"I'm your best friend but I don't even know what's the real deal between you and that hotshot British. Is something going on between you two?" she interrogated and I laughed at her.

Harry has been my friend for decades now but I haven't introduced him to my other friends. It's not that I didn't want to, it's just that Harry doesn't seem to want some new friends. He's too reserved and prim. He doesn't also open up to me that much beside our decades of friendship. 

"He's just half british, Courtney. He's also just a friend of mine. I thought you knew it way back. I don't see him as a man."

"Seriously? That hot guy didn't even make your heart flutter? I'm having a hard time believing that."

I only replied her with a laugh. Many told me that they couldn't belive that Harry and I weren't in a relationship. I bet they just assume too much about everything. I also disagree with some people's mindset that a girl and a boy can never be friends. I mean, I'm friends with Harry. That breaks that stereotypes of people.

"Just tell me directly if you like Harry. I'd set you up right away." I teased and winked at Courtney after.

She looked horrified and disgusted with what I said. What's wrong with setting my friend up with my other friend? That will also benefit her.

"No thank you. That's against my friends code." Courtney declined and I laughed at her excuse. 

"Friends code, my foot. I told you he's just a friend." I defended and Courtney just dismissed my defense. "Talk to the hand, Kendra."

"Okay, whatever you like." I replied with another soft chuckle.

We went shopping after that and the day ended with so much glee. Shopping with Courtney can never go wrong.

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