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I was in the dining table together with Kendrick. Ever since I went home, he stayed here in our mansion. He often goes to his apartment in Billionaire's Row but he said he meant to stay here.

"Aren't you going to work?" I asked because he wasn't wearing his work attire. He was only wearing pants, a shirt and a rubber shoes.

"Nope." he said and popped the 'p' on the word.

"You seemed to be out of the company for a couple of days now. I wonder why." I asked and he looked at me before smiling.

"Is my little sister worried? You don't have to, Kendra." he said and pat my head. I glared at him when he messed up my hair.

"I'm not worried. I'm just scared that you might get an earful again from Dad. You know him." I pointed out and he nodded.

"I'm seeing my friends today. You wanna come?" he offered which I find ridiculous. " It's your friends. Why would I come?"

"Well you're friends with Luke anyway. Really sure you don't want to come?" he asked again and this time, I started thinking.

If Luke is there, I'm sure that Zachary is also there. Maybe going with him won't be a bad idea. "Wait for me!" I said and ran up to my room.

I wore a casual attire. Denim jeans, black inner top, a white jacket plus my rubber shoes, I was good to go. I quickly went down and entered Kendrick's car. He drove to a private property and I can see the golf course from afar.

"You can play golf with us but if you don't want to, you can enjoy the ranch nearby. There are horses you can feed." Kendrick informed but I wasn't interested in feeding horses. I'd like to hang around where Zachary is.

"I'll just sit somewhere while you play. How many are you?" I asked because I can see a couple of guys wearing golf outfits.

"We're seven in all. Two of them are my college friends, one of them is a businessman, there are Harry and Luke, and last is Zachary. You know Zach, Harry, and Luke already. You also met my college friends before, right?"

"I only know the twins. Dan and Gio." I said and Kendrick nodded. "They are Dan and Gio. Let's go out of the car." he said and we both went out of the car.

Kendrick came to my side and put a cap on my head to shield me from the sun. I fixed it first before looking at his friends.

"Hey, Kendra!" Dan said and gave me a hug. Gio only nodded at me and so is Luke and Harry. Zachary didn't even threw mr a glance. Jerk.

"Kendra, this is Shawn. A friend." Kendrick introduced me to the only guy I didn't know. I only smiled at him before we went to the golf carts.

I rode with Kendrick of course. He drove us to the golf course and there are tables and chairs with a canopy to shield us from the blazing sun. I sat on the end, in front of Zachary.

"Are we betting again or not?" Dan asked and some of them shook their heads.

Boys and their pride. They always like betting for everything.

"Let's just enjoy this game." Harry said and took a sip on his bottle.

"Are you joining us Kendra?" Gio asked and I peeled my gaze away from Zachary. Gosh. I didn't noticed that I was staring at him.

"No, I'll just stay here. I didn't bring my clothes anyway." I said and smiled. They all stood up after that and I was left in the canopy.

I took a sip on the cup of water I had brought with me. There were six of them in the golf course excluding Kendrick, but my eyes only focused on Zachary.

My heart takes a leap everytime the veins on his biceps show. He was muscular. And it's making my heart beat in an insane pattern. Gosh.

They played for more minutes before they sat on the chairs with me. They all looked sweaty and tired. "Let's stay here first and play some more before packing up." Dan suggested and chugged on his bottle.

"By the way, aren't you going to hire another secretary?" Luke suddenly blurted out while looking at Zachary. I couldn't help but glimpsed at Zachary. He looked...troubled.

"You fired her again?" Kendrick asked and Zachary clenched his jaw. "I didn't. She resigned."

"For real? Violet really did resign?" Luke said, surprise with the news.

"She did. And stop asking me about hiring another secretary. I'm sick of it."

"Chill, bro. I'm just concerned that you might not manage without a secretary. Too bad, Violet was a great catch." Luke said again and I couldn't help but swallow the lump on my throat.

"Haven't met her but Luke always talked about that girl, Zach. He always brag about how great he was to be able to find a secretary like that for you." Gio pointed out and I couldn't help but stared at Luke.

"He spoke about her too much that I ended up thinking that he likes the girl romantically." Dan joined in and they exchanged glances before they started teasing Luke.

What are they doing? Boys talk are surely different from girly talks. I couldn't catch up with anything.

"Hold up. You really did like her?" Shawn asked and that pulled my attention. I quickly shifted my gaze to Luke who seemed caught off guard.

"Well, yeah. Honestly, I did like her." Luke admitted and I was left awestruck. What the hell did I just heard?

My childhood bestfriend liked me when I was Violet Carter? Oh my freaking gosh. Is this a nightmare or something? The thought of that disgusted me. Gosh. I never even imagined Luke liking me.

"But I'm committed, so yeah. I stopped my feelings before it can even grow. I don't want to hurt Cassandra." he sweetly said and his eyes shined while probably thinking about Cass.

It was relief but it still disgusted me. I'm sorry, I just don't find Luke in that way. He's just my friend and nothing more.

"Can I excuse myself?" Zachary suddenly said while everyone was having fun. He looked serious and his eyes lack any emotion. Was he angry?

"Sure..." Kendrick answered in an awkward tone. The mood suddenly changed while Zachary leaves but it eventually came back.

I looked at the guys left here in the table. They were having fun. My eyes suddenly followed Zachary and saw his retreating back.

He was walking towards the nearest small house. I really have no idea what it was called but yes, Zachary was walking towards it.

"Kendrick, I'll just go for a bathroom break." I said and pointed at the house where Zachary is heading.

An opportunity has emerged in front of me and I'm not letting it go. I gotta grab it before it disappears.

"Okay. You can go there. It has a bathroom inside of it." Kendrick said and pointed at the house where Zachary had entered.

I smiled to myself before brisk walking my way to that house. When I finally arrived, I calmed myself and opened the door. Zachary was thw first one I saw and it was a cue for me to ask.

"Can I talk to you?"

HIS SECRETARYWhere stories live. Discover now