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It was already midnight and was nearing one o'clock but I was still in the hospital. I'm not yet finished with my 48 hours duty and I'm so tired.

I feel so worned out after all those surgeries, I felt like collapsing all of a sudden. I slumped my back on the couch inside my office and closed my eyes. I'll just take a fifteen minutes nap and I'll get back to work.

All I wanted was a nap but I guess the world was against it because a nurse suddenly barged inside my office. He looked mortified and he was looking at me.

"Doc! Emergency! A lady was brought here just now and her head looks awful." he informed and that awakened my soul.

Another patient.

I don't have time to slack off, every second counts now.

I got my clothes for surgery and wore the gloves while walking. "Condition?" I asked because I need to know what was I going to face.

"The emergency team said the lady was hit by a car. They said she probably hit her head on the road and blood has been going out of the wound on her head."

"Is she already in the operating room?" I asked and turned left to head to the operating room because the nurse said she was already in there.

"Doc! Good thing you're here." a junior surgeon said and told me the condition of the patient in full details.

I streatched the gloves one last time and looked at the patient. When I got a full glimpse of her face, my breathing hitched. I blinked three times and I could not move. Am I seeing this right?

What was Kendra doing in here? Is she the lady who got hit by a car? What the fuck.

"Doc? We should operate now. She's bleeding really hard." the nurse said and I quickly snapped out of it.

I suddenly have  the urge of doing a good job. My patient tonight is not just someone and I'm going to do all I can to save her. I'm a doctor and I fucking got this.

I calmed myself and started the operation. It started rough because Kendra kept on bleeding so we had to deal with it first. Although the starting point was rough, the operation went well. Kendra was now stable and was transferred to the ICU first for further examinations.

When I went out, a woman and a man was waiting for me. I have never seen them before but I knew they were related to Kendra.

"Is she fine, Doc? What happened in the surgery?" the guy asked and I smiled at them warmly.

"Are you the guardians of the patient?" I asked to make sure I was talking with the right people. I don't want to leak personal information which are confidential to just anyone.

"I'm Kendra's cousin, Courtney Adams. Is she okay now?" the girl asked and I was relieved.

Now I know who she is. She's Kendra's cousin and judging from what I am seeing, I guess the guy was Miss Adams's boyfriend.

"She's now in stable condition but we still have a few examinations to conduct. She's now in the ICU so you don't have to worry. I'll excuse myself first." I said and respectfully left them.

I'll just get changed and head back to Kendra. She needs me now more than anyone. I washed up first and changed into my usual work clothes. I wore my coat and went to the ICU.

"I'm really sorry but we can't let you go inside. Everything's sterile inside of it, Ma'am and Sir." a nurse said when I passed by the waiting area.

The nurse looked desperate to persuade the two people to not be stubborn. My eyebrows creased when I suddenly remembered where I saw the woman. She's Kendra's Mom!

"What is happening here?" I chose to interfere because they were making a scene now. It's bad for the hospital's image and I need to stop them.

"They are forcing me to allow them to go inside the ICU which is against the hospital policies, Doc." the nurse said and I nodded before looking at the two.

They look like the usual rich people. With glamorous clothes and astounding presence. I can imagine how Kendra's house will be just by looking at her parents.

"Which patient are you here for, Ma'am and Sir?" Even if I was aware that they were Kendra's parents, I still had to ask.

"We're here for Kendra. The lady who got hit by a car and was brought here just moments ago." Kendra's mom said and I can see how worried she was.

"I'm sorry to say but visiting hours in the ICU is now not available. You can come again tomorrow if you'd like, Ma'am." I politely said before flipping the page of the checklist I was holding.

I glanced at Kendra's mom and she was not settling.

"The patient is now in stable condition, Ma'am. She acquired a handful of wounds and bruises but it won't affect her in any way. The surgery went well too and we're now monitoring her for her health."

"Will she be able to recover quickly?" she asked and I smiled at her.

"If she does, we will be able to transfer her out of the ICU in just two to three days. So don't worry Ma'am, we'll take care of her." I consoled and I smiled at them before leaving.

"Wait a minute! Are you the doctor assigned to our daughter?" Kendra's dad asked and I looked back.

I smiled first before confirming who I was. "Dr. Carter at your service, Sir. You're right, I'm the doctor assigned to the patient."

"Dr. Carter, we're really thankful that you saved our daughter. If there's anything that you need, we'll be open to help you."

"It's fine, Sir. It's my job." I said and removed his hands that were holding mine.

"But if ever you would need help, we'll really help you. Here's my business card. Call the number if you must." he said and I accepted the business card before excusing myself.

I looked at the business card and read his name.

Chairman Kenneth Rivera.

I smiled upon reading his name. How fancy. They are rich but they're far from what I imagined. They look like humble people, far from my expectations of rich and arrogant people. I may consider revising my mindset about them. They're Kendra's parents and I felt the need of respecting them.

Way to go for moving on. I can't seem to do it any time soon anyway.

HIS SECRETARYDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora