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We talked yesterday.

Zachary said sorry about what he did and I had a hard time convincing him that it wasn't his fault. He kept on pushing that it was his fault why I was here in the hospital but for me, it wasn't. I had long accepted that it was purely my fault and I'm not blaming anyone for my accident. I know when to blame someone and when not to. And I know that this time, it was my fault. It was my decision to run and it was only right for me to face the consequences of my actions.

"Are we finally...official?"

That was the last quetion Zachary had asked me yesterday. It dumbstruck me. I didn't know what to answer. Yes, I miss him. But was I ready to accept him again? My family kind of hate him now and I don't know what to do.

I know I like Zachary but after what he did, I was confused. I wasn't a saint to quickly forgive him. The pain was still there and I just can't ignore it. It had scarred me so bad that the pain was a torture for me. Seeing him was a torture too. But here I am trying to understand even if he couldn't understand me at first. I'm not considering this as a dumb move. I'm just trying to do everything to achieve what I know that I deserve.

The words I could only mutter at his question was, "I'm sorry."

Zachary looked surprised with my answer but he quickly put on a smile. He pursed his lips afterwards and looked at me with those sad eyes. I badly wanted to hug him at that moment but I couldn't bring myself to do so. He didn't said anything after mt apology and just excused himself that he would be going home already. I wanted to stop him but I know I didn't have the right to. I should give him some space.

We both need it. Some space away from each other.

"I hope I don't see you again here, Kendra." Joey, the nurse said and that pulled me back to reality.

She came by while I was having lunch to pack up the apparatuses I used. She was glowing when she came here and I took that as a sign that she was happy for me. I know she will be. She's been telling me to recover as fast as I can. Joey is a very friendly nurse that I won't forget.

And here is what we have all been waiting for. Today is the day of my discharge. My parents will be here later to accompany me. They'll be assisting me out of the hospital. I still can't overwork myself. Although I can manage, my parents insisted to assist me.

"I hope so too. You're all lovely people but I don't fancy hospitals." I retorted and Joey smiled.

"I'll be rooting for your better recovery, Kendra. Don't miss us too much." she said before finally bidding goodbye.

She went out of my room with all the things I used while I was here. The room now looked empty. I stood up from the couch where I was sitting and got myself some clothes. I went to the comfort room and changed my clothes. When I got out, I was now wearing a denim jeans with a black long sleeved turtle neck tucked inside it. I haven't worn chunky boots for so long and good thing Mom brought this here last last day.

It was now winter so a long sleeved too didn't helped that much. I got myself a sleeveless knitted vest and put my hair in a bun. I wish Mom and Dad gets here fast. I was giddy about going home. I miss the same atmosphere at home. It's been so long since the last time I saw home. I'm getting homesick.

I suddenly got bored and got the photo book here in my room. Mom had always took picture of me and stored it all in here. I opened it and couldn't help but smile at the pictures. On the first page were pictures of me still in the ICU. I looked so wrecked and haggard. No matter how bad I got injured, I'm sure that being here will be a special memory of mine.

"All ready, darling?" Mom's voice asked and I looked at the door where she entered.

I smiled upon seeing her and Dad. I welcomed them and hugged them so tight. I'm so glad that they are finally here.

"Please get this luggage." Dad ordered the chaeuffeur and my luggage already departed.

"Would you like to eat something? We can pass by some restaurant." Mom offered and I shook my head.

I just badly want to go home right now. I can also just eat at the house if I am hungry.

"I'm not hungry, Mom. I just want to get out of this hospital already." I said and Mom giggled at it.

"Sure, darling." Mom answered and held my arm until the car.

Dad sat on the front seat. Mom and I sat on the backseat and I wore the seatbelt. The chaeuffeur quickly turned on the engine and the car started. We departed to the familiar streets of New York. I felt like I'm getting recharged. It's nice seeing the busy streets again.

"I was planning on buying a vacation house in Beverly Hills, honey." Dad suddenly said and scrolled on his phone.

"Is that the place we saw the last time we went there? Is it up for sale?" Mom asked and I got curious.

Vacation house in Beverly Hills? Why are they suddenly buying a house?

"But I also like that one mansion we saw in Kensington Palace Gardens, honey. Or the house we saw in the website. Where is it located again?" Mom asked and Dad looked at herbefore answering.

"Silicon Valley, honey." Dad answered and I couldn't catch up.

Well maybe they'd like to buy a house so that whenever they go on business trips they'd have a house to stay in. But the places they mentioned were so expensive and requires a high cost of living. I wonder why they are buying a new house?

I just shut up until the car suddenly stopped. My eyebrows creased when I saw the airport outside. Why are we here?

Mom went down and even if I was confused, I followed them. When I went out, I saw Dad's private plane that was labeled Rivera on it's tail. Are they going somewhere?

"Why are we here?" I asked and walked hesitantly.

"I wasn't able to inform you that we're leaving today, darling." Dad asked and I came into a halt.

What did Dad just say? Leaving? Today? What for? Where are we even going? I just got out of the hospital. Gosh.

"What do you mean we're leaving?" I asked because a couple of luggages was sprawled right below the airplane.

My eyes landed on Kendrick who was wearing sunglasses and was standing beside the luggages. Why is he here? Are we going on vacation? But the amount of luggages were overwhelming for just a vacation. It's like all of our clothes were packed into those luggages.

"We're migrating to Spain, darling. Your father thought that it'd be a nice idea to move to Spain." Mom answered and I was left stunned.

I couldn't help but be shocked to the core. Is this serious? I'm not on a pranking telly show, right? Moving to Spain all of a sudden? Why? What for? 

"I figured that America's not so nice for you. So I decided for us to move to Barcelona. To where your grandparents lived." Dad said and my knees got weak.

Gosh. This is making me drained.

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