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"So what happened? Are you now dating again?" Zaria asked after I called her that I already had the chance to talk to Kendra.

She quickly drove from nowhere to my house just to gossip about what happened.

"Not really." I honestly answered and got the mug cake from the oven. I put it in front of Zaria and she gave me a grimace.

"Not really?" she asked and snorted at my direction which I found so unattractive.

"Stop me giving me a hard stare, Zaria." I said and took a sip from my coffee.

"How can I not? I thought claim the girl?" she asked and I sighed. Zaria is an annoying and stubborn girl. Debating with her will drain all the energy left in me.

"They found out about our talk and was blaming me for making her injured. They put up guards outside her hospital room and good thing Kendra sneaked out."

"Why would they blame you? Indeed, rich families are scary. What's your plan then?" she asked and started eating the mug cake.

"I don't know. I don't have a detailed plan yet but I was thinking of talking to Kendra again. Claim the girl, still." I said and Zaria nodded.

"Good luck, then. I'll be cheering on the sidelines for you brother." Zaria said and I couldn't help but glance at her.

She looked troubled. No matter how much I wanted to ask her, I didn't do it. If she has a problem, then I'll wait until she tells me. Prying is rude even if she's my sister.

"Aunt Rose's asking for a divorce." Zaria mumbled while looking outside.

I stopped amidst my sipping of the coffee. A divorce?

"Is that why you look troubled?" I asked and Zaria nodded.

"I kinda like her now but destiny's so fucked up. She's also going away."

"What happened? Did he do anything that made her want to get a divorce?" I asked pertaining to my father.

"No. It's the 'It's not you, it's me' thing. She said she fell out of love."

I was now feeling guilty. I left the household with just thinking about myself. I didn't have the courage to take Zaria with me because I wanted her to have everything she wanted.

I can just imagine how painful it was for her to lose two mothers. She was five when we lost Mom, and now she's losing another one.

"Is Dad just gonna give up on her?" I asked because the thing that makes Dad annoying for me, was his persistence.

"He said he doesn't want to chase anyone anymore. He said he's old and he already received enough love to put a smile on his face until he dies."

"I'm sorry." I mumbled because I know how unimaginable the pain is of losing someone special. Zaria is already attached to Dad's second wife. So I think I know what she's going through.

"It's fine. I just hope we both don't end up with temporary people. So, I hope you really make it work with Kendra. I really feel like she's the one for you." Zaria said and smiled at me warmly.

"I feel like she is, too. And I hipe we really do end up together." I mumbled and Zaria patted my shoulder.

"Oh brother. Cheer up! Because you know..." she said and trailed off to look outside before bringing her gaze back at me.

"Somewhere between hello and goodbye, there is love. So much love, Zachary."

I couldn't help but smile once again. She really has a lot of words of wisdom. I think I'll be neding them for quite some more.

"Are you leaving already?" I asked when I got down from my bedroom. I was talking with my employee over the phone and when I went down, Zaria was wearing her coat.

"Yeah. Aunt Rose's leaving the house today. Dad will be needing someone." she said and I mouthed an o.

"Be careful on your way." I said and hugged her before she left my house to go home.

I drank water first before going back to my room. I'll do some work and go out to eat dinner later.

I opened my laptop and looked at my schedule for this month. I was mostly free because it was nearing Christmas break. Some clients won't be available this month and it was a relief.

While typing in a reply for an email from one of the directors, my phone rang. Luke's caller ID was flashed on the screen of my phone.

Why was he calling me?

"You're not gonna ask me to join you in your bar, are you?" I asked and Luke did not respond.

"What the hell? I'm not a drunkard. I don't drink always." he corrected and I just ignored his corrections.

"So why did you call?" I asked and typed in a few words before sending my reply.

"About this call, I'm sure that you'll be shocked but I'll still say it." he informed and I snorted at that.

"Sure, go on and say it." I ordered and I heard Luke's sigh from the other line.

"Kendra's actually leaving America right now. She's with her parents, dude."

"What do you mean she's leaving?" I asked and stood up from my seat.

Luke was so sure about me getting shock with what he will say. Hell, I was even dumbstruck.

"Her family's migrating to Spain. They're currently in the plane now, dude."

"Why did you had to tell me that just now?  Book me a flight to Spain right now and text me the address they'll be staying at."

"Spain is where Kendra's father came from. I suggest you to not follow them, dude. Mr. Rivera is in his territory and he is blaming you for making Kendra injured. Who knows what he might do when he sees you there?" 

"What? That's nonsense. Book me a flight and text me the address Luke!" I demanded but he just replied with a sigh.

"I can't. You're my friend Zachary but Kendra is my best friend. I'm doing my childhood friend a favor, dude. Please understand." Luke uttered and ended the call.

I was so frustrated with what was happening and I threw my phone. I can't just give up. Not now. Not when I finally have the courage to bring Kendra back again.

I swear to God that I'll do everything to bring Kendra back to me. It may be a whole lot of a rollercoaster ride but who cares. I finally found the woman I'd be willing to risk for and I'm not gonna be a coward again.

Spain's just near and what if I die there? At least I died doing my best in chasing after who I love.

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