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I woke up the next day feeling more relaxed than I was yesterday. That woman's wrath scared me and I thought I wouldn't get enough sleep. Good thing I did because we were scheduled to vist the main store where the financial problems were from this morning.

When I went out fully dressed for the day, I saw the woman sipping from her cup. She gave me a hostile glance before putting her cup on the sink.

"Hurry up, there's only one car and I don't like waiting." she said with full authority and I can't help but look at her in amusement. She was very bold and daring for a woman.

I had breakfast earlier and so I followed her in an awkward walking style and entered the car. She was riding in the passenger's seat and so I assumed that I was the one to drive. I started the car and left the premises.

"You seemed calmer than yesterday." her eyeballs moved from the front to me and I couldn't help but to blink for a few times.

"Don't start with me, I'm still upset." I couldn't help but to nod at her reply and was thinking on what to say after that.

"If you can't think of a headstart to a conversation, then don't consider starting one. I pretty much appreciate if you'd do a monologue rather than talking to me."

"But I favor the latter." I quickly said and she glared at me before speaking. "Which I don't."

I guess striking a conversation with her would be a difficult one. And if we ever have one I bet it'll be a stiltedly made up conversation. So I'll willingly agree to what this woman wants.

The engine roared and I drove us to our first destination. The ride didn't last long and I was a bit thankful for that because the atmosphere inside the car was really awkward.  We went to the store together and I noticed the stares the employees were giving us.

My gaze landed on the woman who seemed uninterested about the prying eyes of the people around her. I don't know if she was just dense or she chose to ignore them. I suddenly remembered the issue yesterday about her.

People and their habits of gossiping about others' lives.

When Kendra passed by me, I gave a glare to those employees who were crowding up and gossiping about her. They instantly scattered up after that and I walk away to follow the woman.

"Where is your store manager?" I asked when I stumbled upon an employee

"He's in his office, Sir." the employee said and bowed a little bit before leaving us

"You go to the manager while I look around." Kendra told me and I hesitantly took one step before looking back at her.

Will she be okay here? I think the people here already knows the issue about her. Leaving her here alone might be a bad decision. Should I disagree with her?

"What are you looking at? Hurry and talk to the manager." She snapped her fingers and looked at me in a way that she had me feeling like she had thrown water on me.

"I can't leave you here." I stated and she looked at me in disbelief. She snorted and gave me a stare.

"Why can't you? Are you my babysitter or something? Just leave already, Zachary." With the mention of my name, I flinched and looked at her. She had this refined and prominent image that shows through her aura. No wonder she's very bold to order me around.

"Don't cry when I'm not here. Remember that." I stated and left here there to talk with the manager.

Good thing that the talk with the store manager went smoothly. He was easy to talk business with and he said he'll compromise to what we want. I warned him not to give me emoty promises so I'm confident that the issue here is already settled.

"Shouldn't we eat something for lunch?" Kendra brought it up when we were already in the car ready to go back to the penthouse.

"Do you want to eat or something?" I asked sincerely which she replied with something rude. "Do you even have to ask?"

I smirked because of her sarcasm and started the engine. "Your impudence is not appreciated."

I granted her a fake smile and she did the same before focusing on her phone. On the other hand, I drove the car towards the road leading to a restaurant nearby. I'm famished so I drove quickly that I did not even noticed that we arrived already.

Kendra seemed preoccupied with her phone that she did not notice me going out the car. Is she staying inside? Without saying anything, I opened the car door for her. She squinched her eyes towards me before going out.

She was already near the door of the restaurant when I realized that there were a lot of people inside it. Why was she so brazen when the issue about her haven't even died down yet?

I grabbed her by the arm and made her face towards me. The force I exerted seemed to be too much that Kendra flew towards me and bumped her head on my chest. She winced in pain and I bit my lip in guilt.

"What are you trying to do?" she spat out angrily and massaged her arm where I touched her.

I got my cap and wore it to her. "Your audaciously walking out here with your face showing? Don't be too brazen, woman. You wouldn't want to wake up with another issue, do you?"

She inhaled sharply and exhaled right after. Turning her back at me, she continued walking to the restaurant. I couldn't help but to smile at her actions. Her juvenile behavior suddenly brightens up my mood.

"What are your orders, Sir?" a waiter had walked up to our table to ask for our order. Kendra looked like she doesn't want to speak. So on her behalf, I ordered us some food.

"Why did you order steak? I'm on a diet." she whispered angrily and I smiled before pushing the cap on her head lower because some people were already speculating us.

"Forget about dieting, Kendra. Enjoy the steak, will you?"

"Enjoy my foot. Now my regimen is ruined because of you."

I just shook my head while smiling at her. She's really immature for a woman who is in her late twenties. How cute of her.

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