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I was clad in a fancy dress for today. A little gorgeous dress which I got after a short notice from him. Cyan had called me awhile ago that he'll treat me out. As in a lunch out in some restaurant he picked for us. It was a Saturday and he was still in the hospital to end this week's work. It is a bit cruel that he even has work on weekends.

His promised meal has now arrived and I'm so excited. I got up earlier than what I usually do to prepare. He's being super duper nice and I'm totally loving it. It's not everyday you get treat out for a meal. Plus it was Cyan's idea so I gotta prepare.

"Are you going somewhere, Kendra?" Auntie asked when I went down in my clothes.

I was wearing a beige turtle neck dress and a knee high boots. On my left hand was an orange long trench coat to protect me from the cold. The temperature otside is starting to fall because winter is approaching fast. I don't want to be freezing once I go out of the house. 

"Cyan's going to treat me out, Auntie." I said and Aunt Emerald smiled towards my direction.

"That's good to know. Will you go to their hospital or he'll come and pick you up?" she queried.

"He'll pick me, Auntie. He said he also needs to change his clothes." I said and sat comfortably on the couch to browse the internet.

"Okay then. I won't be including you two for today's lunch." Aunt Emerald informed and I just agreed with her.

Besides, we are eating out for lunch. It would be useless if Auntie still includes us for a meal here in the house. We won't be eating here anyway.

"Yes, Auntie." I answered and Aunt Emerald had gone upstairs to deliver some snacks for Blue.

Blue was upstairs in his room doing homeworks. Red was in her room getting some sleep. I felt bad because after I ran away, my brother became a substitute CEO. He must have been a strict boss so Red is always drained. I don't know what really happens in the company now but I bet it is hectic. Kendrick can be a bit condescending and may act superior sometimes.

I just sincerely hope he doesn't give Red a very hard time at work. That sweet girl doesn't deserve that kind of treatment.

I was browsing the internet quietly when I received a text from Cyan. He said he was on his way here and I must get ready. My excitement suddenly came back. I felt like a child being brought to an amusement park again. Never knew that a lunch date would make me this happy.

"I'll just go quickly change my clothes and we'll head to the restaurant for lunch." Cyan said and I nodded before he dashed..

"Make it quick. I'm famished." I informed and Cyan let out a short chuckle before going upstairs.

When he appeared again, he was already wearing a white collarless long sleeves tucked inside a mossy green slacks and was partnered with a mossy green trench coat too. He smiled and showed me his outfit.

"Am I improving?" he asked and I couldn't help but laugh.

I was only joking when I told him that his fashion sense is nonexistent. He must still be holding a grudge against me because of that. I wasn't lying about it but it was never my intention to insult him. Now he is using it as a leverage to me. Gosh.

"I was only joking when I said that, Cyan." I said and approached him to help him wear his white long coat.

"It wasn't a joke for me." he said and held my arms in a gentleman way. Not too strong and not to loose. Just the exact way of holding a girl.

We arrived quickly to a restaurant. It wasn't the fanciest one I had ever eaten at but the place still shouts fancy. I was more than okay with it. I would also prefer it if he brought us to a fast food chain.

"It's a great choice leaving those humongous glasses of yours." Cyan commented after we sat down.

"I decided to not include them in my outfit for today. They were out of place." I pointed out.

I had made a very hard decision in choosing my clothes for today. And there is this glasses which I use to help me in my disguise. However, they didn't look really nice with my overall outfit. I had no choice but to leave them out of my outfit of the day.

"I can imagine." Cyan added and I laughed at what he said.

When we finished eating lunch, Cyan brought me to a science museum. When I told him why he brought me there, his reply was priceless.

"You didn't got the chance to explore the thing you were so into in college. You said you really love science and wasn't able to pursue something related to it. It may have been late but I'd like you to create happy moments from now on." Cyan meaningfully answered.

That made my heart happier than ever. Cyan may have been rude in the first place but he's a soft boy on the inside. It's a overwhelming that he even had the time to think about this. Why did he even still remember what I told him? That was a bit long ago.

"You can adore the things here and create fond memories that will make you smile whenever you reminisce about it." Cyan said and smiled at me sweetly.

"You really know your way with words, Cyan. I admire your high knowledge in that area." I even gave him a thumbs up that made him smile more widely. 

"Thank you for the compliment, Violet. I'll remember that always." he said and we enjoyed our visit to the science museum.

We were already inside the car when Cyan suggested something. "I recently bought a ticket for the musical this night. I thought it would be good to see this with you."

A musical performance? I think that might be really good. I may be a bad singer but seeing musical shows are replenishing to the ears and heart. Back then, Mom would usually let me tag along whenever she goes to watch musicals. She's a fan of music which I probably inherited from her. 

"So...thoughts?" Cyan asked while looking at me in a way that warms my heart.

"Fine. Just make sure that it won't be a long musical. I'm kind of craving for solace right now, Cyan." I reminded him.

"Craving for solace? You and your words." he said while slightly shaking his head before maneuvering the car to the road. 

I just smiled at him mischievously before we ascended to the highway leading to our destination.

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