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I started my day early. When I woke up, I went straight to the shower. It's been a routine of mine. Wake up and straight to shower up. After the refreshing bath, I wore a lavender silk skirt, a white thin strapped top and I wore my puffy slippers. I still have to put makeup so I didn't wear heels yet. It'll be troublesome to move around with heels.

After putting on my makeup, I wore a lavender D'orsay shoes. I went downstairs to greet my parents before they go to work. I moved fast so that I won't miss them. It's been a habit since I went back to say goodbye to them.

"You're all dressed up, darling. Going somewhere?" Mom asked after I kissed her cheeks.

"My friends are coming over." I informed and Mom smiled.

"Too bad we have a dinner meeting today. I'd really love to meet your friends." Mom said and I smiled at her. She doesn't need to do it if she isn't available.

"We'll be going now, darling. Enjoy your day with your friends and we'll meet them when we have time." Dad said and I bid goodbye to them.

"I'll relay your messages. Have a great day Mom and Dad."

I waited until their car left the premises and I went to the kitchen to eat some fruits for breakfast. Kendrick was already in the kitchen and I think he was finished eating breakfast. He just came from the sink so I guess he put the dishes he used on it.

"So you're telling me that I need to be there? Didn't I told you that I don't want to attend the gala? For God's sake, I'm sick of it."

He was talking with someone in the phone and he didn't seem to notice me. I just got the ready-made fruit salad on the frigde and ate it. Kendrick already left and I had a peaceful breakfast.

"Come on guys, enter with me. It's fine, you won't die here." when I heard Hera's voice, I quickly got up and went to the entrance door.

"But are we even allowed here? I feel so poor Hera. I don't think I even deserve to step foot in here." Lucy  said and I couldn't help but giggle. 

"Let's just enter. Besides, Hera said it's fine." Fred said and entered our household. Lucy looked at them surprised but managed to follow them.

I walked to them and smiled happily. "I'm so happy you're here safe. Would you like to have breakfast?" I asked and Hera shook her head.

"No thank you, Kendra. We already ate breakfast." Hera dismissed and I felt Lucy and Fred's stare.

I looked at them and smiled. "Let's go to the cinema room. You have a lot to know."

They followed silently and we entered the cinema room. I looked at them first before finally explaining what Hera already knows. I started from where they should know and stopped until now.

"So... you're Violet?" Lucy stuttered while asking me that question. "I'm sorry for not telling you. I wasn't ready for the consequences that might come if I told you about the real me before."

I might be called a coward but what can I do? I had a lot of problems already and having more would be a disaster. Also, I hate it the most. It's the last thing I'd like to acquire while I was hiding from my family.


"It's fine, Kendra. We understand where you are coming from." Fred said and threw another popcorn in his mouth.

"Really? Thank you for understanding, Fred. It means so much to me." I said and he just smiled.

I looked at Lucy who has not yet told me about her perspective in this. She literally was hanging her mouth open and was staring at a spot. I was worried and wanted to ask if she was okay. But I think I should give her space and let her process these informations.

"Does Sir Zachary know about your secret?" out of the blue, she asked.

I blinked for a few times before answering. "Does he have to?"

"Doesn't he? I mean he was your boss and how come he was unaware about your true identity? You belong to the same circle so I thought he must have known." Lucy pointed out but there was no way for Zachary to know.

Yes, we were from the same circle but we weren't close for me to share to him my secret. I barely even know him when I was in the identity of Kendra. He was a snob and wasn't that friendly. I can barely remember moments when he talked to me during any gala. He was just too reserved and quiet.

"He doesn't know." I said with finality and Lucy loosened up. She started munching on the popcorns too.

"You should tell him, Kendra. I think he needs to be the first person to know. Besides, secrets can never stay as secrets forever." she said and browsed the movie list on the screen.

I stared at her and thought about what she said. Why does it make sense? And why am I considering her advice to tell Zachary about this? I should pull myself together. 

"Kendra, I'm sorry I was late!" Red's voice said and that pulled me back. I stood up to welcome Red and introduced her to the others.

"Good thing that you can come. You never gave me a definite answer through text." I told Red.

I texted her yesterday to come over and hang out but she replied me with 'I'll see'. So I wasn't really having so mich hope for her to come. But it is even more great that she really arrived to hang out.

"Of course, I'll come. I wouldn't miss a good jam with my boss." she said and we chuckled at her remark.

"By the way, these are my friends. That girl is Lucy, next to her is Fred, and the last one is Hera." I said and they exchanged greetings before sitting down.

They quickly clicked with each other and we had a movie marathon. We stayed in the cinema room until the afternoon. We even had lunch inside.

"Kendra? Are you inside?" I heard Kendrick's voice from outside the room. I stood up and excused myself.

I opened the door and went out to meet Kendrick. I saw him in his suit and was looking so tired. He must have been back from work. He looks like a mess.

"Why did you call for me?" I asked and he peeked inside the small angle in the door.

"You're with your friends. Did I interrupt or something?" he asked and I shooked my head. "No, so why are you here again?"

"Mom asked if you wanted to come over to the boutique tomorrow. She said your phone's off and asked me to deliver her message." he stated and pulled his phone out when a text came.

"Why does she want me to go to the boutique?" I asked and he shrugged. "Maybe for the gala. Mom's obsessed with it. Just text her your response. I'll leave you be."

Kendrick opened the door and greeted my friends before going. I went back and turned my phone on to text Mom. I'll just text her my response that I will be going. 

"Your brother's so handsome. He's a blessing from above." Lucy commented and I looked at her in distaste.

Kendrick's far from handsome in my eyes. I mean, he has the looks and I can't deny that he is attractive and charming. But he's just not a blessing from above. That's my opinion.

"He'll be another guy on your crush list, won't he?" Fred teased and Lucy just stuck her tongue out. "At least they bring me inspiration."

They bickered for awhile before they settled and continued watching the movie. They stayed until dinner and I escorted them out of the mansion.

"Thank you for coming over." I warmly said and smiled at them.

"It was our pleasure, Kendra. Hope to jam again soon." Hera said and entered the car first. Fred also thanked me before following Hera inside.

"See you at work soon, Kendra. I really miss you there." Red said and kissed my cheeks before following the other two.

Lucy was the last one to say goodbye and she said she was genuinely happy to be with me today. "Consider what I said a while ago, Kendra. It might help." she said before entering the car.

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