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"Where are you going?" Kendrick suddenly asked when I went to the kitchen to drink a glass of water before leaving.

I was wearing a black short sleeves long dress with white flower patterns. For my shoewear, I wore a black chunky boots and I was holding my coat on my arm.

"I'm visiting a friend. Why?" I asked and he looked at me. I can see worry in his eyes. Well, he has a reason to be worried.

"Your eyes are puffy. Will you be okay?" he asked and I put the glass on the sink.

"They'll subside. See you later." I said and bod goodbye before riding my car.

I drove it to a familiar company and took a deep breath. I just wish that the day will end fine. I had a tough day yesterday and I don't want it to be repeated.

I went out of the car after parking it and my face brightened when I saw the person I was looking for today. I crossed the street and ran to her just before she can enter the company.

"Hera.." I called the woman whom embraced me during my time as Violet Carter.

She still looks the same. With her wavy brown hair and her plump cute face, it was Hera. She looked at me and her eyebrows met.

"Who are you, Miss?" she asked and I smiled at her.

"Am I that unrecognizable?" I asked and she seems to not recognize me yet. I smiled at her again while waiting for her to remember me.

"Have we met before? I'm sorry Miss but I can't seem to pinpoint who you are."

"It's me, Violet." I casually said and she stared at me as if I was a crazy woman on the street.

"Pardon me?" she asked, bewildered with what I said.

"Violet Carter. Don't you remember me?" I asked with the same voice I used as Violet.

I kind of distorted my voice a little so that no one will be able to at least suspect me as Kendra. It will be hard if I had used my real voice. That's why it was a relief whenever Cyan comes with me. At least I can be the real me.

"Violet?!" she exclaimed and examined my face clearly.

"Yes it's me, Hera. I'm Violet, so can we talk?" I quickly stated what I was here for. A talk.

"Are you really Violet? Where are those hideous eyebrows of yours? What about the braces? And the eye color? Was those contact lenses?" she started bombarding me with questions.

"Let's talk so that you'll be enlightened." I said and she quickly glanced at the company.

"Good thing that my work finished early. I'll fetch my bag and get back to you. Should I call Lucy and the others too?" she queried and I shook my head.

"I'd like to talk with you alone. Can you please not mention to them that I am here?" I asked and she nodded understandingly.

"Sure, I won't tell them. But they will be seeing you when we go out here."

"I'll wait for you across the street. Thank you for understanding, Hera." I said and she just smiled before getting her bag.

I didn't wait for too long because Hera arrived quickly. She waited for Lucy and the others to leave first before she crossed the street.

"Where are we heading to?" she asked and I walked to my car.

"Hop in." I said and Hera looked surprise. I couldn't blame her. I didn't have a car when I was still Violet.

I drove us back to the mansion and I went out of the car. Hera was hesitant to go out not until I opened the door to her side. "Come on. I'll show you inside."

"Are we allowed in here, Violet? Won't the owners of this luxurious mansion be mad? We're intruding a property, Violet." I couldn't help but laugh at her. She looked so innocent and naive.

"It's fine. Mom and Dad won't mind." I said and she looked taken aback. Probably shook with the revelation. I only continued walking and looked back at her before we reach the porch.

"By the way Hera, it's Kendra. Not Violet anymore." I said and the maids opened the door.

I gave them my coat and they approached Hera to get her bag and coat. I looked at Hera and she seemed frightened with the maids.

"It's fine, Hera. They'll just put your stuffs in a safe place. Please get her stuffs." I ordered the maids. "Yes, Madame." they answered and fulfilled the order.

"Madame?" Hera looked at me confused.

"Follow me, Hera." I said and we walked until the garden. The maids asked what refreshments we would like to have and I told them to just get us juice.

I looked at Hera and started explaining. I first told her about the issue that made me ran away. I also told her all of the things she needed to know until now. Hera seemed so shock that she chugged the juice at once.

"So you're telling me that you're Kendra Rivera? The Kendra Rivera?!" she asked again in a surprised tone. I smiled at her to confirm it.

"Is it that shocking?" I asked and Hera nodded. "You bet it is. Who would even know that I'll be a friend of a multimillionaire's daughter? I would never!"

We had a talk for a bit more until Mom and Dad came home. Mom headed to the garden and saw us there.

"Hi, darling. Who do we have here?" Mom asked when she saw Hera beside me.

"This is Hera, Mom. She was the one who helped me when I was away from home."

"Really now? Nice to meet you, young lady. I'm----"

"Clementine Rivera. I heard so much about you, Ma'am." she said and shook hands with Mom.

"You should stay for dinner, Hera. We'd like to have you as a guest." Mom offered and I smiled at Hera.

"Yes, Hera! You should stay for dinner. You gotta meet Dad. He'll like you!" I exclaimed and excitedly hooked my arm with Hera's.

"Then I'd love to stay!" she answered and Mom smiled at us.

"I'll leave you two here and change my clothes. See you at dinner time, beautiful ladies!" Mom bid goodbye and we both shrieked in excitement.

"You should tell Lucy and the others to come here on the weekend. I'll also inform them about me."

"Yes, of course. We'll be here on Saturday." Hera said and we both giggled again about the dinner.

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