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Luke apologized to me for talking about it in the hospital He was claiming that it was his fault but I convinced him otherwise. It wasn't his fault that Kendrick heard about it. Besides, we did not even know he was there after all. No one was at fault here and we both wanted to talk about it. If something, he even helped me in dropping the bomb. Now I don't have to carry the burden of keeping my connection with Zachary a secret. But another problem just had to arise.

"If someone forces to enter my daughter's hospital room, call me right away." I heard Dad ordering the guards outside.

Mom, Dad, and Kendrick were all here in my hospital room. It was a mess. Dad was enraged, Kendrick was still mad and Mom was the only person having her sanity. She's calming my brother and my Dad down. Without her, I would go ballistic. These two men are just so immature and stubborn for me to handle.

Apparently, Kendrick told them about what he heard and as a protective father, Dad did what he wanted. He had put guards outside my room just in case Zachary goes here. Gosh. They're so over the top. It's probably not a good thing for them to out guards. They are even making a scene in the hospital. A lot of people are now looking towards my room whenever they pass by.

They probably think that I'm some high profile or something. Gosh.

"I don't need them, Dad. Zachary's harmless." I said and Dad only gave me a glare.

"Harmless? What part of your situation is harmless? He's the reason why you're here right now!" he madly retorted and I couldn't help but close my eyes.

His voice felt so painful to the ears and I felt like crying. Why is he doing this anyway? He's not rational and all of this is nonsense. 

"Honey, calm down. You're scaring Kendra." Mom said and Dad did not respond.

"Dad's right. That freak should make sure that he won't step foot in this hospital or I'll wrangle his neck until he dies." Kendrick added and my eyes grew wide. 

"Kendrick!" I protested but he gave me a hard stare.

"We're doing this for your own good, Kendra. Stop being stubborn." he said and I rolled my eyes.

This isn't for my own good. They're just over reacting. I'm totally fine and it's not as if Zachary would kill me in this hospital. There is now way he would even lay a finger on me. He may have hurt me several times but no violence was involved. He only gave me a heartbreak. What's there for them to worried about?

And no matter what they say, Zachary is not the one to be blamed here. If they wanted to point a finger to someone, then they must point at me! It was my own decision to run at midnight and I was accidentally hit by a car. No one even told me to run but I acted on my own. They should at least consider that.

"Do you want me to run away again?" I warned and Dad glared at me again.

"You're my daughter but if I must punish you for disobeying me, I won't hesitate. I'm warning you Kendra. Don't threaten me again like that." Dad said and it really scared me.

I have never seen him like this. It was as if he transformed into a whole lot different person. I couldn't recognize him anymore. He wasn't my loving father anymore. 

"Stop being stubborn for just a guy, Kendra. Please don't make this harder for us." Kendrick said and I just sighed.

I know I won't win this battle. It's two versus one and I'm injured. How am I gonna fight them? It's nearly impossible. I don't even have the strength to stand up right now. How can I even go against them and prove my point?

"Let's just go. Don't stress her too much. It's bad for her recovery." Mom said and gave me an apologetic look before dragging them out.

The room was silent again and I couldn't help but stare at a spot. Gosh. This is stressing. I surely won't be able to get a good night's sleep today.

"Are you okay?" Cyan's voice asked and I shook my head.

"It's frustrating." I replied and hugged a pillow. I heard Cyan dragging the seat nearer to my bed before sitting down.

"But I'm gonna sing one more song..." Cyan started singing and I couldn't help but look at him.

He had this warm expression and was looking at me caringly. He smiled when our eyes met and continued singing.

"Thanks for doing your part, you sure are smart. You sure worked hard, cause when you use your mind and take a step at a time."

He brought the blanket nearer to my shoulders and smiled at me before finishing that verse of a song.

"You can do anything, that you wanna do."  he finished singing and inhaled deeply. He smiled once again when we made eye contact.

"What's that song?" I asked because I didn't know that. It was like a lullaby and it calmed me down.

"It's the ending song of Blues Clues, my favorite television show from before." he answered and I couldn't help but smile.

Didn't know that he likes Blues Clues. I'll keep in mind to give him a Blues Clues teddy bear on his birthday. Just to tease him a little. I can't wait for his birthday to come and really give him a teddy bear.

"Repeat beep boop until I tell you to stop, Kendra." he ordered and I followed without any question.

While murmuring those two words, I couldn't help but smile. It naturally came. He didn't even need to tell me to stop anymore.

"You got through every bad day you had, Kendra. I'm sure you'll make it through this time." he comforted and I nodded at him.

"Thank you for being here with me." I said and he smiled. "Always." he replied and it was my time to smile.

"Care to sing me another song?" I pleaded and he nodded quickly than K expectsd.

"I won't care. I'll give you a bonus song today." he answered and coughed a little to ready his throat.

"Thank you so much, Cyan." I mumbled first before settling myself on my bed.

I know I'm going to fall asleep while Cyan sings. It's my lullaby. His voice is just soothing to the ears. I'll bet a thousand dollars that I'll be asleep after his song finished. That's just how nice to the ears his voice is.

"Ain't never felt this way. Can't get enough so I'll stay with you." he started and I held onto my blanket tighter.

He chose a mellow song and I know I'll be asleep much faster with his song choice. Besides, I really like this song. I may not know the title of this but I have heard of it for a lot of times.

"It's not like I've got big plans. Let's drive around town holding hands." I smiled when he mentioned 'holding hands'. It just felt so sweet.

I couldn't help but think of Zachary again. Will the time even come where we will be able to hold each other's hands? I wish it comes though. I don't want myself to grow old while being stuck with a one sided love. It'll be a torture and I won't even pass away peacefully.

"And you need to know you're the only one, alright, alright. And you need to know that I love you with all my heart, my heart." was the last I heard before I fell asleep.

I really do hope that this bad day would pass by faster. I want to see a bright tomorrow again.

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