"Hey, stop. It's gonna go too far," Arat said to the axe-wielding men.

"Nah. It won't," Daryl pointed his crossbow at the menacing group.

"Maybe it's both of them," someone said.

"They didn't do anything!" I yelled over the silence, taking a step forward with Gabriel.

The pounding of hooves on dirt sounded throughout the camp as Enid pulled me out of the way.

"Everyone back off! Right now!" Rick roared with the colt in his hand, sitting on top of his horse.

"I'll talk to Rick. I'll try and find a way to make everybody feel safe, all right?" Alden told The Saviors as the crowd began to thin.

"Start the redirect. Pair off to work the grid," Rick ordered, and I looked to Daryl, who wouldn't make eye contact with me. Enid pulled me away from the crowd.

"You okay?" She asked me quietly. I nodded and stayed far away from the crowd.


"Call it out," Rick's voice sounded over the walkie Maggie was holding after walking for a while.

"Grid 1 Clear so far," Jerry answered first.

"Grid 2's clear," Daryl spoke.

"3 is clear," Rick said.

"Grid 4 is clear," Maggie confirmed.

"Grid 5 clear," Arat said.

"Piper 1, anything up top?" Rick asked Dianne.

"We're good. Nothing moving our way," She answered as we stumbled upon a couple of walkers trudging into the forest.

"Stay sharp, eyes open. We still got missing people out here," Rick said.

"Got activity nearby. Gonna go check it out," Maggie informed them, eyeing the walkers.

"We're headed your way. Grid 5, do the same," Rick ordered, and the walkie clicked off.

"There's a house up ahead, off the road. Could be coming from there. We used to live near here. Before Oceanside," Cyndie said, leading the way.

We came upon a beaten-up house where a piece of sheet metal was flapping in the wind, causing a metallic banging noise. Walkers were surrounding it, drawn to the sound.

"Okay. We got to take it out before they draw more. You good to follow my lead?" Maggie asked us.

"Yeah," I nodded

"Already there," Cyndie finished.

"You get the roof. Skylar and I will get them," Maggie instructed, handing Cyndie a pitchfork, us moving towards the walkers.

"Over here! Hey," Maggie called as I readied my knife. Cyndie took off slowly towards the house as we lured the walkers away.

We covered each other quickly, taking out most of the walkers. With the two of us working together, it wasn't a huge hassle.

Suddenly, walkers trapped inside of the house broke through the barrier, starting to surround Cyndie, who had fallen.

I ran, Maggie following close behind and began to take care of the walkers. Cyndie got up to run and was fending off a walker, but Maggie and I were too focused on the walkers in front of us.

They were all taken out, including the one attacking Cyndie, but Daryl had arrived just in time with Rosita and Rick, sending an arrow through the dead man's head.

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