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Rated M for Explicit Sexual Content

Taehung has his arms tightly around Jimin, their entire bodies pressed together. He's still restless, unable to keeps hips still, even after knotting the vampire six times. He wants Jungkook even if he can't have him. Part of his wolf is telling him to go find Jungkook while the other half is telling him not to leave Jimin's side. The alpha sighs. His rut isn't over, he can still feel it in his core, but it's lessened. The aggression that had taken over his thoughts early has faded to almost nothing. Jimin's to thank for that.

The vampire rests peacefully beside him. Taehyung is grateful that his mate is willing to be with him. The alpha is known for his roughness during rut. Jimin's current state is evidence of that. His usually flawless skin is marked with love bites and bruises. His inner thighs are dark and finger shaped bruises grace his hips, although his sweatpants block the marks from view. His neck is most notably marked. Taehyung struggled to resist claiming Jimin, but he settled for leaving as many hickeys as he could from Jimin's jaw to chest. Even if Taehyung's canines still ache with the need to bite Jimin, it'll be obvious to anyone that Jimin is his. That enough has Taehyung swelling with pride. He's had an entire day with Jimin and he's decided he could stay like this forever.

Tap tap tap tap

A knock startles Taehyung out of his thoughts.

"It's Hoseok," the beta announces.

Taehyung pulls the sheets over himself and Jimin. He has no reason to be concerned for modesty with Hoseok, but he doesn't want the beta to see Jimin's bare chest no matter how much he loves him.

"Come in," Taehyung says. He tries to stay quiet enough to let Jimin rest.

Hoseok has food with him when he comes in. The smell has Taehyung's stomach grumbling loudly. Hoseok doesn't have to look Jimin over to know how possessive Taehyung has been. He's experienced the alpha's obsession with marking first hand.

"Feeling better?" Hoseok asks.

Taehyung sits up and hums. "Yeah."

Hoseok smiles and offers him the food. Taehyung's nose does a double take when vanilla hits him. He snatches Hoseok's wrist before he can think better of it. The beta is startled and despite his reflex to retract his hand, Taehyung holds him tight as he inhales Hoseok smell. He undoubtedly smells like vanilla.

"Why do you smell like him?" Taehyung growls. "Why do you smell like Jungkook?"

"What are you talking about Tae? You're just imaging things." Hoseok prays that Taehyung believes him. It hadn't even occurred to him that he might have traces of Jungkook's scent on him. He just wanted to be sure that Taehyung ate a proper meal, but he might have stirred up trouble. He feels Taehyung's grip tighten.

"Where is he?" Taehyung demands. He shoves the older back with enough force to make him stumble

"Tae-" Hoseok begins again. The alpha is already up. Luckily he had put on clothes after he and Jimin showered, because he would have strode out of the room completely naked and unbothered if there was a chance Jungkook was here.

Taehyung feels a mild worry about leaving Jimin, but he trusts Hoseok enough with his mate. He just misses Jungkook. He needs to mark up his other mate.

Taehyung vaguely hears Hoseok calling after him, but he doesn't care. The scent is vanilla is strong outside of his room and he wonders how long Jungkook has been here. How long have they kept Jungkook from him?

The scent is unmistakable. Taehyung marches into the living room and growls when he sees so many people close to his mate. Jungkook is visibly shaken at the sound, unused to a wolf being vocal. His eyes find his mate's in seconds.

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