⊱Chapter 37 🗡Magical Challenges⊰

Comenzar desde el principio

We both waited for the other to make a move. Valder took the initiative as he slid his foot to the side while making a swooping motion with his hands, the ground beneath me rocking back and forth as the solidness of it began to melt into sinking sand to trap my legs. Avoiding the trap by jumping into the air just before I could sink. Landing a safe distance away.

My wind blades demanding blood as they formed, hurtling relentlessly at their target. Valder blocked, forming an earth wall. They blades unable to break through and leaving deep impression carved into the rock.

As the last one disintegrated he leapt over his barrier to hit the ground with his fist. Breaking the ground in a circular shock wave in an attempt to send me flying out of the ring. Springing back into the air with the wind beneath my feet as the shock wave approached. Kicking out several torrents of strong winds as a counter. Forcing him towards the edge of the ring. Planting himself firmly in his element he stabilized his core to where the wind failed to throw his weight.

Victory clear in his gaze confused me as I touched down on the ground. His self-confidence growing as he took in my confusion. I reached for my connection with the wind but was unable to establish it. Something slithered and slid over my hands, a fine white mist had clouded over them. Snapping my attention back up to my opponent, shock coursing through my veins. "Gottcha." He chortled in triumph.

That sneaky little manipulator. I fell for the classic misdirection and missed the trap until it closed. "Finally! Someone who understands." Relaxing my body for the next step in the offensive strike. "Serina, back me up here." Confused at my behavior he seemingly took an unconscious step backwards. "Frea has fallen prey to this type of manipulating as we fought." Shrugging my shoulders as didn't feel like giving out more information than that.

He wanted to retort I could see it in the way he shifted his body, he never got the chance as the bundling of the bond magic grew into a larger pool. Hitting him square in the chest and sending him flying back. "Kinda like that." Shanking my hands to dispel the remnants of the spirit magic clinging stubbornly to my fingers.

The second soldier near the ring clutched at his stomach while laughing deeply at his friend's misfortune. "Valder, you just got owned!" He continued to cackle with glee.

"Shut up, Zander. Like you could do any better." Valder challenged. He groaned melodramatically, shuffling into a sitting position.

"Challenge accepted." The man sobered up as he stalked closer. "Alright missy, let's see what you got." The air about him drastically changing. Gone was his playful aura, replaced with a seasoned warrior.

If I didn't know any better, I would have thought Valder had stepped back into the ring. The difference being eye color and the beauty mark below his left eye. Twins, naturally he must be able to wield two elements as well.

Rotating my arms to mimic a giant circle the wind's howls grew louder as it took form of a sweeping tunnel. Trapping the one called Zander in its mass.

He lifted his arms in an X motion, giant ice crystals sprouted in the formation of a tent. Preventing Zander from being swept away. As the wind tunnel collapsed, the protective barrier broke into multitudes of giant shards.

My magic took a hold of a large chunk of rock. With a solid push the earth rose protectively, shattering the shards without much trouble.

Vine burst out from around the rock in retaliation. Spinning in a quick twirl, waves of small air knives follow the arc. Shredding any and all vines. The earth beneath my boots tilted and rocked, rising to encase my legs.

I needed to end this quickly. Freeing myself from the rock, my air blades aimed true. Forcing Zander to dodge. Timing it right to slyly kick out a couple of currents. Blindsiding Zander the moment he jumped to the side to avoid a previous air blade. Sending him flying out and thrown into his unsuspecting twin.

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