⊱Chapter 28 🗡A Lover's Betrayal⊰

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YAY!!!! Final update of the day!!!!! I can't believe how far we have come in the story. But we have further to travel. Hope you guys like the chapter!!!


The King seemed to have growled softly under his breath, but I couldn't be too sure. For the sound had gone as quickly as it had come. In the next moment the King rose suddenly from his throne, strutting over to where Dax and I stood.

Briefly congratulating us on our official engagement to each other, before motioning Bao to follow him out of the throne room. Bao only glanced at us once. Throwing a scowl over his shoulder as he followed King Moddox out of the room.

When the heavy door had closed behind them I let out the breath I had been unconsciously holding in. Glancing to my right I stare up at Dax as he looked down to me. We gazed at each other as identical grins made their way onto our lips. Laughing I launch myself into his arms, lucky that he was ready as he caught me around the waist. Twirling us around the room in happiness. "We did it Dax!" I cheered as Dax's deep voice rumbled along in joy as he laughed deeply.

I was thoroughly dizzy by the time Dax had stopped twirling us in circles. As he set me back down on my feet I had to reach out to grab onto one of his arms to steady myself as the dizziness washed over me. When I had more or less recovered I slightly pulled back giving him a mock glare.

He had enough sense to look sheepish as his expression told me that he was slightly sorry for getting me dizzy. His expression morphed not even a second later as pure excitement came over his beautiful features. Grabbing my hand to tug me out of the Throne room and down the halls of the castle. "Come on, Avi!!! Stop dragging your feet. I want to go tell them." Laughing at his attempts to make me go faster, I stopped resisting. Running with him down the halls as if we were children.

Darting across the fields, we dodged round all the people milling about. Not willing to break our grip on each other. Giggling madly as we weaved through the people. Soon we stood before the entrance to Dax's house he placed a finger against his lips as he spoke in a low voice so he wouldn't be over heard by anyone. "Let's keep as silent as possible so we can surprise them." His eyes dancing with happiness. I made a move indicating that my lips were sealed sharing in the hype of the moment.

Reaching out Dax quietly opened the door. Leaving only a small gap for us to enter through. Closing the door just as quietly behind us we paused for a moment, cocking our heads to the side to better listen to the noises going on around us.

The sickening sounds of grunts and moans of what sounded like pleasure continued to shatter the silence that had surrounded the place. Glancing over to Dax as he simultaneously shifted his gaze over to me. Both of our faces draining of all color in unison the longer we listened to the noise.

Our steps were light but deliberate as we made our way to the bedroom towards the rear of the cozy little house. The only thought that repeatedly ran through my mind without ceasing was, please don't let it be true....please don't let it be true. Dax's hand hesitated against the wooden door as we glanced at each other once more. He let out his breath as he pushed the suddenly heavy door open. When we stepped into the room to survey the scene it almost had me running out while sobbing trying to convince myself that what I had seen wasn't real.

A high pitch scream filled my ears as Dax shouted in rage. The scream continued, when my throat started to hurt the conclusion dawned upon me that it was I making that racket. What we had inevitably walked into was Camron and Maria making love upon Dax's bed.

Camron had been intimately moving against Maria when I had screamed, alerting them to our presence. They had the good grace to stop, glancing almost glaring at us from their compromising position on the bed.

Hidden KingdomOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora