⊱Chapter 1 - part one 🗡 Failed Lesson⊰

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This is the edited version of the first chapter. If you have already read the original draft you may notice that I had made some major changes. If this is your first time reading this novel and go beyond my edits and get confused don't worry about it. I'll be editing the entire novel just hang on for a bit. Thank you to all my supporters.


The soldier stood in front of my fuming form as his quivered with fear of what I might do. There may or may not have been a few times where I lashed out in anger. His voice quivering trying to deliver the news he had gathered, my patience wearing thin. Where could my sister be? Why does she always disappear? Will she ever learn? "She did what!!!" I screeched. Interrupting the nervous soldier standing before me.

He licked his lips before croaking out in stutters, "S-s-she ran off with one of the boys that has been wooing her lately." His fingers knotting together as his eyes shifted continuously, my figure haven't stopped from my pacing.

Pinching the bridge of my nose I shake my head in irritation, finally coming to a stop in front of the solider, who audibly gulped, "Will she ever learn. She is the big sister, isn't she supposed to be the example? I swear one of these days she will find herself with child." The guard just stood there awkwardly as I flashed through visions of murdering my sister. Sighing I turn back to the guard who shook with a bit of fear, "Thank you Sedrick, you are dismissed."

The guard half bowed before fleeing from the cottage that I shared with my sister and father. Grabbing my equipment I make my way toward the practice grounds of the castle. The place where the Kingdom's Knights, Royale family, and the King's Blades' family train.

My father being the Blade so both my sister and I receive the best training possible. If my sister ever bothered to show up for training. Trying to find my father I let my eyes roam the fields to try to spot a familiar towering figure. Instead finding one of the young Knights grinning at me, taking a double take to realize it was Jake my best friend smiling at me. "There's the birthday girl!" He threw an arm around me to pull me into a hug.

Wrapping my arms around his waist I return his hug. "Hello Jake. Perhaps you know where my father is?" Focusing onto his eyes.

Nodding he grips my hand to lead me to the left side of the field. My father's muscular back was facing towards me when we came up behind him. Finishing his sentence as he turned to look at me. His dark wavy hair the same color as my own waved in the slight breeze. He stood tall and proud in his sparing armor. I inherited quite a few of his features, though I never inherited his eye color.

His sapphire blue eyes darted around searching for my sister. His stern expression hardening once more as his attention return to me, "No Olivianna for training again I see." Crossing his arms, the deep strident bass penetrating across the distance separating us. My father wasn't one to trifle with. He never smiled or showed affection. Not since my mother died over ten years ago. He never got over the loss that her death had caused.

Shifting my feet as I scuff the grass with the toe of my boot I fail to meet his scrutiny, "No father....she is......ummmm...previously engaged." I stutter just as the guard did. My gut clinching painfully deep within my stomach. Quickly biting my lip to stop from uttering another word.

My father's jaw clinched audibly as I spoke that sentence carefully. Taking a careful step back I watch him warily for you never knew what to expect from my father when it came to the subject of my sister. "Very well. Shall we begin?" Without my consenting nod he began anyway. "Today you will be learning how to fight blind, it is a very useful skill when you are attacked at night and there is no light or when your enemy happens to blind you at some point during your fight. Let us begin." My father took weapons, placing a blindfold over my eyes encamping me in darkness. "Now try to disarm the soldier in front of you." The displaced voice reaching me in the veiled darkness. Someone placing a familiar item in my hands.

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