⊱Chapter 2 🗡 An Unwanted Guest⊰

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Here is the edited version of chapter two I have promised! XD It is also split up into three parts but these separate parts will be labeled as new chapters. I won't hold you any more. Onto the hopefully improved chapter 2 of Hidden Kingdom!


Coming to a clearing I halt Zimra's progress. Patting her on the neck I hop down from the saddle. Letting go of the reigns as I instruct, "Zimra hide." From the time that I received Zimra I taught her a few basic tricks. Which was difficult in itself. Zimra is able to hide herself among the foliage and returns when I call. When I whistle a specific note she can get herself untied from wherever she is and come to me.

Climbing the nearest tree as quickly as I could while being as quiet as a mouse I spot Dax coming up the trail. Drawing my bow I string on an arrow. "Avian? Where are you? This is so not funny." He looked exasperated from my hiding. Sure it's mean of me to hide but I wanted to test his skills to see how capable he was. So far his skills were seriously lacking, making me unimpressed.

I might have to teach him a few things while stuck in this courtship with him and Bao. Just as he came close to reaching the branch I rested upon I dropped down from my hiding place. Keeping my weapon trained on him. His reaction to the surprise had me laughing until my sides hurt.

Dax jumped three feet which had him falling off sideways on the saddle. He didn't land quite right since a foot had caught in one of the stirrups. His head and upper back brushed the ground while one of his legs came straight up while the other stuck out at an angle. Finally getting himself free from the saddle he fell the rest of the way down onto the ground in a heap. "Don't do that! You scared me half to death." He glared at me as he stood up and brushed the dirt from his clothes.

"I believe I win. How are you supposed to become the Next King's Blade if your skills are lacking? You were scared of a woman jumping out of the trees." I snorted while un-stringing my arrow, placing it back in the quiver with my other arrows.

Dax ran a gloved hand through his hair as he took time to speak. "I wasn't aware that we were playing and trust me you can be scary when you want to be." He sarcastically mumbled.

I snort once at his antics before going utterly still. Something in the air didn't feel right. It felt as though something dark was disturbing the air causing it to become thicker. Something was amiss. "Someone is following us. Their presence doesn't feel right. There is an air of danger mixed with darkness expanding."

Dax stills under my words, "How can you tell?" His eyes shifting around the foliage that surrounds us.

"I can't explain it exactly. There is just a feeling that resonates deep within me." We take to the bushes waiting for the person to show themselves. Readying ourselves we pull out our weapons.

"Dax? Avian? You guys out there?" A deep voice echoed from sixty feet away. "Answer me! I am earnestly becoming annoyed!" Getting Dax's attention I motion with my hand, telling him to go left as I move right. Surrounding the person giving us the element of surprise. Fitting an arrow to my bow once more I close in on the aggravated voice. Taking a silent breath I counted to five before moving. Jumping out of the bushes with my arrow trained on the guy's heart while his sword was trained on me.

Releasing the tension from the string of my bow I lower my weapon while keeping my eyes trained on the man sitting atop of his horse. "Bao what are you doing out here?" I glared up at the unwelcome apprentice.

Bao drew back his sword to sheath it. "Looking for my future fiancée and competition obviously." He stated while rolling his eyes. "I also wanted to see the miraculous Avian at work. When I saw you two head for the woods I decided to follow you. Speaking of your skills would you mind giving me a demonstration? You hide and I will track you, Dax can be the judge. To make this more interesting the winner will get a prize afterwards. Whatever their heart desires." He winked. "Trust me when I say what I have in mind will be pleasurable for both of us." He practically purred.

I grimaced as I knew what he had in mind and there would be no way I would let him obtain his goal. Looking over at Dax I see how much Bao's game suggestion bugs him. He had a permanent scowl on his face as he continuously glared at Bao.

Personally I didn't see any harm in this game since I didn't intend to lose. Though I absolutely detested the direction Bao's thoughts had taken as he examined me as if I were a piece of meat for his enjoyment. "It's a deal." I nod, agreeing to participate in his game.

The self-satisfied grin he wore widening. "Deal." He stuck out his hand for me to shake. Taking his hand I shake it once before taking off. Flitting through the bushes silently. Laughing internally for Bao doesn't know that fact that he the Hunter is being hunted by the Huntress. It was a good thing that I had shed my armor while in the barn while preparing Zimra for our trail ride.

I just had to draw him out into the open. With a plan in mind I set it into motion. My plan involved creating two trails. One that happened to be painfully obvious the other more subtle than the first. The non-obvious trail would lead him to a dead end. Leaving him no choice but to follow the obvious trial. Hopefully the tactic would throw him off from his game.

Zigzagging through the trees I make sure one of my boots makes an imprint in the mud every once in a while. Satisfied with the distance I back track about a third of the way and launch myself into the air. Snagging a tree branch. From there I swing from branch to tree branch. Leaving a shallow trail for Bao to follow.

Suddenly I am transported back at the end of the obvious trail in a complete daze. How I was transported I would never know. Turning to a random tree trunk I carve two X's with a dagger. One on the tree and one in the dirt about a foot from the tree that I just marked. Before retreating into the trees for coverage I set part of a trap that will give me a partial advantage. Once Bao triggers the release on the trap by moving one little rock or twig a branch will be released snapping him behind the legs causing him to stumble forward onto the first X.

Jumping up I grab onto a low hanging branch, swingingmyself up higher into the tree. Taking extra precaution not to give away myposition. Now all I have to do is wait patiently for my prey to find me. Ittook about ten to fifteen minutes before I heard any sound, movement, or voicesfrom below.     


Hopefully you liked the changes to the chapter. Now onto the next part! Woot woot!!! XD

Hidden KingdomDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora