⊱Chapter 5 - part two 🗡Elemental Strength⊰

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YAY! PART TWO!!! XD Let me know what you think of the changes if you have read the previous draft. Though all comments are welcome. Now onto the chapter!


A cooling sensation spreads from my head to the tips of my fingers and toes. Opening my eyes I narrow my gaze on the small rock resting on the mage's palm as I raise my hand once more. But what surprised me is that the small rock refused to levitate. Instead the ground began to shake and crack.

Looking behind the mage I spot a gigantic bolder levitating high up in the air. "Excellent!" Balthazar cheered as he clapped his hands in delight. Moving my hand back down to my side the bolder followed suite until it rested on the ground. "Let us find out what if you can manipulate the other elements too. Shall we test Air next my dear? I'll take that as a yes." Not giving me time to answer. "Now Avian I want you to create a small wind. If possible a small tornado of sorts. It is much like how you manipulated Earth but instead you have to figure out how to create a vortex. It doesn't have to be big."

Taking a slow breath I moved my hand sideways as if I am striking the air before me. Suddenly a torrent of winds pick up almost knocking me off my feet. Centering myself so to not get knocked over, I make a spinning motion with my finger, the winds following the motion. Making a tornado in the process. Taking care to not make any sudden movements otherwise the tornado would escape from my grasp.

Holding it for a second longer I slowly brought my hands gently to my sides. Letting the winds calm down as they followed my lead, they too slowed down until they gently stopped altogether. "Two out of five! Shall we go for a third?" Balthazar asked excitedly. He jumped up and down like a little kid during the Yule Tide as he led me over to a fountain pool in the court yard. "Okay now try to lift as much water as you can."

After another deep breath I lifted both of my hands until they were above my head. Feeling nothing happening I open my eyes to find disappointment. Nothing had happened. No water stirred, nothing. Trying several times to get the water to move I made several different motions with my hands. Nothing worked. Sighing in defeat I glance over to Balthazar who had a thoughtful expression on his face. "Oh well. I guess no one can control all the elements. Though I swore you had the potential for it. No matter. Now onto fire!" Balthazar clapped.

Balthazar led the way to a torch that stood in the center of a large circle. "You stand here. Perfect! Now try to expand the flame." Breathing deeply I turn my attention to the torch set aflame in the center ring. I lift up my hand but instead of continuing to elevate my hand I spread my fingers apart, imagining the flames copying my movement. But nothing happens just like with the water. Frowning I retry the movement, focusing my energy on the flame. Still nothing miraculous happened. The flame didn't even twitch or grow in the slightest. Causing me to groan from the frustration.

"Bad luck, my dear. I was quite sure you had the potential to control the element of Fire. At least you are able to control two of the elements. That's rare in itself. I am not a hundred percent positive that you can control the fifth one as well but we shall test it nonetheless. Come along my dear. You might be able to help us with a particular animal." He led me this time to a stable near the back of the building. Inside the stables was a fortified cage housing an animal only mages could control.

At the sight of the animal Balthazar had mentioned my eyes went wide in panic as I nearly choked to death on my spit. "An Adnakai? They are one of the most deadly of all the creatures in the Kingdom. There is no possibility I can help you when it comes to problem." I choke out, gasping for breath.

"There is no doubt in my mind that you will help this poor creature. For some odd reason he won't respond to any of the mages. He just keeps growling and snapping at us. Also he seems to be getting weaker as the days pass. We have no clue to as of why."

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