⊱Chapter 31 🗡A Mother' guidance and a King Revealed⊰

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Hey guys! As promised I am uploading all the chapters that I have edited thus far. So it will be a five part update. Are you ready!?!?!?! Let's get to it!


It had been a few weeks since I started my search. I had hardly had a clue of where to start, except for the dense woods near Sarcosia. Asking around several of the small villages that lined the forest pretty much lead to nowhere. My luck was running out.

Currently I was sitting by the campfire roasting a rabbit for dinner, while Serina lounged in her full form devouring her own prey. "We have been asking around for what seems like weeks yet we keep hitting one dead end after another." Glaring at my roasting dinner as if it had personally offended me.

Serina stopped shredding her dinner to look over, "We will find a clue eventually. Don't worry about it."

Resting my chin on my hand I stare into the fire, "I probably should have asked you a while ago if you knew where to look." Kind of hoping she would have a bit of an idea where to head instead of us wandering around aimlessly.

"No, not really." Serina's mental voice mumbled.

Shocked at the news being given. "How do you have no clue as to where to head?" I stalk towards her, frustration and anger at the situation bubbling up. "You are a dragon! Isn't it your natural instinct to be able to find where you come from?" Yelling out the frustration of the whole situation.

She growled lowly, showing her teeth and slightly snapping them threateningly. "I would be able to. But I was taken from the Land of Dragons while still in my egg by your mother! So I have no clue as where to go!" She snarled at me.

I felt within our bond that she's just as confused and frustrated as I am. "I am sorry, Serina. I didn't mean to yell. I had honestly thought that this mission would be easier. I feel as though I am failing." The anger drained out, leaving sadness to take its place. Sitting down where I was standing and covering my face with my hands. Feeling so useless.

Hearing more than seeing Serina moving around as I sat there. I didn't move as she placed her large head on my lap, though only a small portion was actually on my lap. "It is alright, dear one. I forgive you. I admit as well that I thought this search would be a lot quicker. We will find out eventually where we need to go. Everything will work out in the end, you'll see."

Moving my hands away from my face I wrap my arms around Serina's snout. Clinging to her tightly. "If only my mother were here. She would know where to go." I mumbled.

That is when a certain idea popped into my head. Making me realize how stupid I have been this entire time.

Letting go of Serina I sit up straight, nearly bouncing with excitement. Serina watched on as if I had lost my mind. "Oh my goodness Serina, I am so stupid. I forgot I had taken the book along." Moving her head off my lap I jump up to rummage through my saddle bags.

"What is so important about a book?" Serina asked as she moved back to eat her kill.

Finding it I let out a yell of triumph as I pull it out. Moving so I sat against Serina's side so to not get in her way of eating. "It is a special book that my mother passed down to me. It contains all the information I have learned so far about dragons and my family. It contained the note from my mother that had initially sent me on my path to find you.

The interesting thing about this book is that it doesn't reveal all of its information at once. Only pieces and only when it seems as if I am in need of these answers." This caught her attention. Bringing her head around to eye the book with interest with one of her amethyst eyes. "If I am correct then a new piece will show up. Hopefully a map that will guide us to where we need to go."

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