⊱Chapter 21 🗡Attempting Seduction⊰

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Welcome back!!!! you just completed part 2 of 4. This chapter is dedicated to BookTemptress for their mass amounts of votes on all the previous chapters!!! I greatly appreciate your support. Not gunna lie but your votes were part of why I decided to finally update today. So sit back and enjoy the rewards! You earned it!!! XD


Alex stood a minute longer watching in an observing manner. Turning so my back faced his probing eyes mumbling under my breath about his uselessness. He grinned before he too disappears into the dusk. The guards not having left with their leader, followed closely behind Alex. Which I found to be curious.

Finally alone I let out a sigh of relief mixed with frustration.

Dax peeked around nervously at our surroundings. His eyes darting around before resting back on me. He lifted his hands using sign language to communicate in case there were ears in the night listening. 'Do you think what he said was correct? Can you not do magic while in these cages?' He signed in haste, his hands slightly shaking as they waved in the air betraying anxiousness. I knew he was heavily relying on magic to get us out of this situation.

Frowning in thought, deliberately drawing a small line into the dirt and inserting a small amount of magic into the action.

Instead of a small crevice forming, pain engulfed my entire core radiating down my arm to my palm and through my fingers. Forcing out a sharp gasp from my lips.

That man wasn't kidding. Bartholomew must enjoy the pain he causes magic users when he throws them into these cages. 'I won't be able to use magic. It causes immense pain when spells are invoked. Safe to say magic isn't an option right now.' I signed to the boys, their gazes pinned on my frantic hands.

'Then what do we do?' Jake signed shortly after. His signing slower than usual.

Sighing once more I sink to the ground, 'I don't know.' Signing helplessly. I placed my head in one hand while running the other through my hair.

Touching cold metal within my hair gave me pause. My heart picking up in pace as I comprehended that I may just have stumbled onto a solution unexpectedly. Untangling my fingers from my hair and bring my hands back down in front of me I began to sign excitedly, the movements slicing through the air with extra energy. 'I am so stupid. My lock picking tools are still within my hair. The lackeys were too incompetent to take them out, probably dismissing them as mere decorations.'

Bao actually grinned as he watched my hands. 'Excellent! If we can't locate a key, then we have a solid plan to fall back on. Do you actually know how to use them?' He signed when my movements finally decreased.

'Of course. I practiced with them several times. I am not that dense, Bao.' Our glares crossing.

Jake interrupted before Bao could retort, 'When shall we make our escape?' He signed with exaggerated movements as to keep our attention solely on him to stop any silent squabbling.

Dax replied before I could, 'It would be best to escape when everyone has fallen deep into sleep. That way there is higher chance of success in escaping. Stealth is our best bet.'

'I agree. We might have to wait a couple of hours but by the looks of things most have already gone to bed.' I signed after him.

Bao cut in, 'What about our weapons?'

I didn't want to leave behind my weapons, but if a clattering gave us away I would rather leave them behind. 'We can look for our weapons. If they give off even a bit of sound when trying to retrieve them, then I am leaving them behind and running. I would rather leave them and escape, than retrieve them and get caught while doing so.'

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