⊱Chapter 34 🗡Anxiety Rising⊰

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The trials are coming up soon. There is a whole series of chapters dedicated to just the trials Avian will have to go through. I don't know if the trials are my favorite chapter or if the last chapter is my favorite. Any way I won't keep ya any longer. Let's get to it!!!!!!!


My chest becoming uncomfortable from holding my breath, "What does this have to do with me?" The last thing I expected was someone to tell me about my mother who had been long gone.

"There is a great battle coming. I don't know when or where but one is coming. If we are to have even have a slim chance of winning we need you. Not just me but the entire Kingdom. We don't have a hope with anyone else but you."

Shifting from foot to foot I move my gaze to the water pouring out of the fountain while biting my bottom lip in thought. "What did Roslin mean when she said I wouldn't receive the sword yet?"

"The chosen King's Blade when proven worthy receives a special sword. That is generally one of kind that only they possess. You won't be able to receive the sword as your own until after the trials."

"Why do I even need to go through these tests?" I scowl at the water.

"It is a challenge that needs to be faced. Otherwise Bartholomew will never let it rest. Plus it doesn't hurt to have the subjects of the Kingdom witness the level of skill you possess. As a King it is my responsibility to see to my subject's best interests before my own. Be aware as you advance through these tests that second in command, soon to be third, Bartholomew may try to start something. If his behavior towards you is anything to go by."

"Why was he acting that way towards me? I haven't done anything to him."

"My guess is that he probably feels threatened by you. He has been after the Blade position for quite a few years. I kept refusing him the position for he isn't chosen as you are. I am forewarning you now, if he does start a scuffle. Fight back. Don't let him beat you."

I laugh thinking about Bartholomew posing as a challenge, "I never back down from a challenge. It is one of my less desirable traits as my father would say." I smile as I fondly remember my father breaking up a scuffle between a young knight in training and me when I was younger, the boy had insulted my ability due to my being a girl.

"It is great quality in my opinion. That is the type of Blade I need with the inevitable war coming." My cheeks warming at his words. "Now come, I will escort you back to your room." He reached his hand out to take my elbow but I jerked out of the way, a man's touch only serving me to remind me of Camron's betrayal.

Hurt briefly flashed in his eyes but his hand retreated. Instead he brushed past me to take me back the way we had come. "So tell me, am I allowed to know what these tests will be or are they meant to be a surprise?" I ask to reduce the tension that had grown between us as I fall in step beside him.

"What is going to happen is that you will be presented to the Kingdom tomorrow and tested over the next three days. There are to be three trials, with two parts each. The first trial is flying with your dragon through various obstacles to test the strength of your bond, as well as a race to see the speed you possess. The race is more for the Kingdom's subject's entertainment." He chuckled. "The second is testing your magic. Your magic ability will be tested with obstacles once again and then combat. The third is more demonstration than anything. It tests your skills and instincts when facing enemies and saving innocents. A real knight and damsel in distress situation. After your trials knowing Bartholomew he will challenge you to a duel."

"Doesn't sound like anything I can't handle. But of course I will be careful anyway. It can be one's down fall if they become too cocky and over confident." We arrived in front of my door before long. Stopping I turn to face him dipping into a bow, "Goodnight, your Majesty." I couldn't help but say formally.

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