Chapter 7 - Mr Hyde

Start from the beginning

The Tribe have some pretty intimidating equipment.

Kassius approaches the hole in the wall but he stops when he hears Yang calling down to him. "Kassius! Stop! Please!" She begs. Kassius looks up at her, his eyes still glowing red and she can see how bright they are glowing right now, how his veins are glowing red and his body seems like it is unstable.

"Kassius is gone." He snarls, turning and walking to the crater in the wall. Yang's eyes widen in confusion and she turns to everyone up there.

"We need to stop him." Yang begs.

"Come on! Where would they have landed?" Blake asks Raven, in a hurried voice. Sun does not seem to be as willing to stop Kassius, but it is more for their betterment that he does not kill one of the leaders of the White Fang when they want to unite them.

"Hanger Bay Five." Raven answers.

They all start to run after where they fell.

Adam groans, pressing his hands against the floor to get back up, one hand still wrapped around Wilt and Blush as he stands up. He lifts the red blade up and stabs it into the surface of the concrete floor, pushing himself back up to his feet. He looks up to see Kassius approaching him and the red eyed person points his sword straight at him. Adam stands tall, looking right at him and he starts to catch his breath. "Never should have hurt her..." Kassius growls aggressively.

"I was wrong." Adam admits.

Kassius chuckles menacingly, still holding Lash Equinox up, aimed at him. "You were, and as punishment, I'm gonna cut you up, into teeny tiny pieces." He growls through gritted teeth. Adam swings the red blade back and he is ready to fight now, unlike when Kassius managed to jump him when he wasn't expecting it.

"We'll see about that." Adam replies.

"That's the spirit." Kassius chuckles, and then he starts walking towards him, and Adam gets ready for a painful fight. Kassius lets out his battle-cry as he swings his swords straight at Adam, and Adam lifts his sword up with one hand, blocking the impacts. Every impact causes the red blade to shine bright red. Adam deflects his attacks, but Kassius has become so aggressive that he is forced to walk back to fight him. Adam scraps Wilt and Blush across the blades of Lash Equinox and he punches Kassius in the side of the head. Adam grabs Kassius by the throat and throws him away. But his throw is not as strong as Kassius' cybernetic throw, and he rolls across the floor, dragging his sword through the concrete. He immediately gets back up and lunges his sword towards him. Adam thrashes the red blade up, the impact of the three blades smashing against each other sends glowing orange sparks dancing across the air with a metallic crack. Adam immediately spins round with his sword and slashes it towards him. The blade slices across his coat and he rolls backwards.

Adam lowers his sword but keeps it drawn, walking around Kassius. "I haven't met you before, but I can guess that you are the love of Yang Xiao Long." Adam presumes as he looks at Kassius, slowly getting back up. "There's a parasite in your mind, you need to understand that I was different then. I was blind to the truth." Adam explains. Kassius gets back up, and his glowing red eyes stare straight into Adam's eyes as he stands before him. His cybernetic hand clenches into a fist. "I was blind to what Blake has been fighting for until now." He admits.

Kassius smirks and scoffs at him. " I am." He announces, his hands held out before him as he glares at Adam. Adam sighs and he starts to walk towards him.

"You're name's Kassius, right? Please just hear me out." Adam begs. Kassius begins to reveal something that shows how different his cybernetics are far beyond what Yang's are. The metal begins to shift and change, revealing some kind of mechanism inside. He points his wrist at Adam and a pair of small devices shoot out to each of his shoulders. They both start blaring extremely strong infrasound waves into his ears, stunning him and he groans in distress, pressing his hands against his head. Kassius grips the blade of his sword tight and he starts to approach. But Adam sharply slashes his sword into one and fires the shotgun in the hilt at the other, destroying them both. He staggers a little but he recovers pretty quick. "Don't you understand, Kassius? This is exactly what the Knights want! They aim to divide us!" Adam argues. Kassius walks straight towards him, staring straight at the mask with his glowing red eyes. The red light reflects off the white mask.

The Knights of Grimm - Act 2 - CapturedWhere stories live. Discover now