moirai loops [3] ; lee minho

Start from the beginning

Minho chuckled. "Sure thing."

With a hand motion, Chan nodded and disappeared into thin air, and Minho looked at the sleeping form of his beloved. With a sigh, he leaned over, gave her a loving kiss on the forehead, and chanted a few spells before they vanished and was transported to the realm of the fairies.


"Wha—where are we?"

Minho smiled at his girlfriend and continued to stroke her hair lovingly. "Go back to sleep, baby."

"No," she pushed herself up with her arms and leaned back on the headboard of the bed she was lying on. "Where are we? What is this place?"

Minho sighed and wrapped an arm around (Y/N)'s shoulders. "We're in my realm," he says. "This is where I live."

"What?" she asked, looking around. "You're serious?"

"Yes," he says. "I'm deadass serious. My mom wants to meet you when I accidentally let your name slip during my weekly visits."

(Y/N) smiled at him, a hint of playfulness dancing on her lips, "I'm quite offended that I'm not a common topic between you and your mother."

Minho shook his head and gripped her hand firmly, "You don't get it, (Y/N). The Queen isn't thrilled to know you. She got mad at me when she found out that I altered the laws of the universe just to grant your wish."

"You what?" she was shocked. Never did she think about Minho going that far just to grant her wish. "Why would you do something that's...illegal in your realm? You should've just given me something small that's similar to my wish than getting in trouble for granting it fully!"

"I know," Minho smiled at her, gingerly touching the girl's soulmate mark with the pads of his fingertips. "But when I saw you making that wish by the well that night, I sort of felt a connection with you. Believe it or not, I know how it feels like to be hopeless when it comes to romantic love. Even me, a direct descendant from the line of Eros, crossed paths with the troubles of romance. So, the least I can do to stop your agony was grant your soulmate marks wish."

(Y/N) quieted. So, even then descendants of the god of love himself encounter struggles with love? How ironic.

"I-I'm sorry," she says. "I didn't know you felt that."

"It's okay," Minho smiled at her. "It was my choice. I was the one who wanted to help you out."

(Y/N) stayed quiet and just squeezed Minho's hand back, suddenly feeling a flow of nervousness wash over her like a tsunami. Minho, who noticed her immediate silence, sighed and began to tell her about his mother.

"When my grandmother, Eurynome, gave birth to my mother and her two sisters, everyone was happy. It was as if the light themselves were born to bring eternal joy and peace to the kingdom.

"However, everything changed when an army of rebel fairies declared war on the Titans, and kidnapped my mom during the battle. It was a huge loss to everyone, and her sisters Thalia and Euphrosyne even had to pay a huge ransom just to bring my mom back.

"But when she was returned to the kingdom, she was pregnant."

(Y/N) gasped, and Minho nodded as if reading her mind. "Yes, she was carrying me in her womb. But then the child she was bearing was created out of lust and force. She was raped by the boss fairy, and killed himself after that because he didn't want to die in the hands of the Titans."

"That's when Mother lost her light. Although she was still considered as the goddess of elegance, brightness and splendor, she lost some of those traits and became a grouchy woman. She wasn't the same as she was before, according to her slaves."

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