Your Dad Doesn't Like Him #33

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“DAD YOU’RE NOT BEING FAIR.” You screamed at you dad. “Y/N, Watch your tone.” Your mum said. “NO IT’S NOT FAIR.” You screamed. “Y/N, I just think you shouldn’t date Beau. He’s has so many tattoos and he-” “SO WHAT THERE JUST TATTOOS. ” You screamed. You were so upset and you just couldn’t stop screaming. Words couldn’t explain how mad you were. “Y/N, That’s enough.” You said. “No! It’s not fair. Okay yes he has tattoos but who cares. He makes me happy. He made a video telling his fans how much I mean to him. He makes me so damn happy and I don’t know why you can’t see that.” You said grabbing your bag and walking out of the house going to Beau’s house. You were so upset. You couldn’t believe your parents did support you and Beau’s relationship.


You were crying with Luke holding you. Your cried into his chest. “Mr. Y/L/N I promise you, I’ll treat Y/N like a princess and I promise that. She’s the best thing that has ever happened to me after my fans. I’ll put her first before everything. You just can’t make me leave. I’ll fight to be with her and that’s a promise I don’t care what I have to do to get on your good side. Whatever it is I’ll do it. Please. ” Luke said as he rubbed your back and combed your hair by running his finger through it trying to calm you down. “Luke I think you need to go.” You dad said ignoring everything Luke said and Luke sighed. You looked at him with tears in your eyes and a tear went down his eye. “I’m not giving up on you.” He said then kissed your cheek walking away.


Jai was sitting in the livingroom. He already knew your dad wasn’t gonna approve of him. He didn’t know what it was but he knew it wasn’t gonna work out well. Your dad dragged you into the kitchen telling you how he thought Jai wasn’t good for you and you deserved better. “Are you joking? IF ANYTHING JAI DESERVES BETTER. THERE ARE SO MANY GIRLS IN THIS WORLD AND HE CHOOSES ME AND I HAVE NO IDEA WHY. Look I love Jai. And I don’t understand why can’t you see that.” You said walking out of the kitchen grabbing Jai’s hand. “Y/N I know he doesn’t approve of me so I think it’s better if we just break-” You cut Jai of “No. I don’t care. Let’s go Jai.” You said intertwining your fingers with his walking out of your house.


Keep requesting. Preference Spam ! xx 

-Katie xox

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