Another Guy Flirts With You #14

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You and Beau were at starbucks. You were ordering your drink and there was a cashier who was about at least 20 flirting with you. "That'll be $3.59 and I'll need your number" He said to you winking. Beau being the overprotective boyfriend he is, he didn't like this little flirtation at all. He put his arm over your waist pulling you closer. "Yeah she doesn't really have a number." Beau said to him. "And you are the over protective brother I see?" The cashier asked. "No, I'm her over protective boyfriend. So you can stop flirting with her."


You and Luke were out having dinner. You were eating just having fun. You were laughing telling jokes and having one of the best nights with him when this guy did a stupid move and spilled his drink on you while walking pass. "Oops. Sorry Love." He said looking at you. "ARE YOU SERIOUS !!! ARE YOU HITTING ON ME?" You yelled. "Yeah kinda." He said. "YOU COULDN'T HAVE SAID "HELLO YOUR SHIRT IS PRETTY" OR SOMETHING?" You asked yelling. "Babe calm down I got this." Luke said getting up with his drink in his hand looking at the guy. Then he poured it all over him. "Don't flirt with my girlfriend or do stupid things like that to her." He told the guy and he walked away.


You were an actress and you were in a show. Jai came to watch you do a episode. When you were done Jai walked up to you. "You were amazing Babe!" Jai said to you then kissed your forehead and smiled. Then your co star walked up to you two. "Hey Y/N, I was thinking maybe we could go to the movies later." He asked you. "Sorry bro. Me and her are going to see The Conjuring together. I'd ask you to come but she would be jumping and hiding her face and cuddling with me and not you. Damn sucks to be you." Jai said to him and he walked away. "Jai that wasn't very nice." You said to him. "He was flirting with you." Jai said and kissed your lips


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