Cramps #7

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You have the worst cramps ever. They are literally terrible. You were laying down in Beau crying when Beau walked into the room. "What's wrong beautiful?" He asked you. "I-Ihavecramps" You murmured. "I'm sorry baby what was that?" He asked you. "I have cramps" You said. "Ohh." He said. You heard him pick up his car keys. "Okay so Kotex tampons and Advil right?" He asked you. You turned to look at him. "You don't have too." You said. "I want too." He said and you just nodded. Later he camp back with your tampons and Advil and a tray with water on it, nutella and a spoon. He set the tray down infront of you and said "Since you crave nutella when you have your period I brought you a jar." He said and you kissed his cheek.


You would have bad cramps rarely. Today was one of those days you had them. You were laying in the middle of the hallway when you saw some vans shoes in front of you. "Uh babe. Any Odd reason why you are laying in the middle of the floor?" He asked you. "Oh. Just c-cramps" You said sighing. Luke picked you up and laid you down on the bed in the room you and him share. He kissed your cheek and grabbed the guitar that sat near you guys bed. He sat down and started singing Justin Bieber Be Alright. You were slowly drifting asleep to the sound of your boyfriend beautiful voice.


He laid down with you all day. You guys ate pizza and watched your favorite show Pretty Little Liars. He rubbed your tummy and you guys had make out sessions. You guys were having a lazy day. He canceled all his plans just to be with his girlfriend. He obviously loved you so much. You were his number one important thing.


YES!! This is a longer one enjoy.


-Katie :)

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