What the fans think of you #20

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The fans think you are so sweet. You always get on Beau’s account to follow fans and you tweet them a lot. You make Beau do twitcams because you think they deserve one. If it wasn’t for you it wouldn’t be a lot of interaction going on with the fans and Beau.


The fans LOVE you. They are literally flat out in love with you. They call you beautiful, they always tweet you good morning ,and good night. They are sweethearts and angels.


They love you because you make Jai really happy. Whenever he’s with you he is always smiling and he seems so happy with you. Nothing can go wrong when you are with Jai. You have a big positive look on life and that’s why they love you.


Sorry i know this is another short one hopefully i will write a longer one next time 


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