Chapter 25: Live or Die? Part 1

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Gray POV

I woke up to the chilly air. Snow left a note on the bed. I picked it up with a confused look. It said,

Dear Gray,

Natsu said Rose got injured very badly. I grabbed Jay and Jem and went to the guild. I let you sleep. Meet us there.


I groaned as I sat up in bed. 

"I'm getting old," I said to myself. I put on some pants over my boxers and a navy blue shirt with my signature white coat. I saw something shining on the floor and picked it up. It was...a ring? The engagement ring I gave to Snow. What was it doing on the floor? I stuffed it in my coat pocket and ran to the guild. I walked in and saw Natsu walking out of the infirmary with a face of sadness. 

"I promise I'll protect you, Rose," I heard him say. I saw Snow from across the room. I sat beside her and she put her head on my shoulder. I smiled warmly at her. She had something that looked like a journal in front of her. 

"What's this?" I asked myself grabbing it. I looked through the pages. I saw drawings of me and the guild and a whole lot of things. That's when I remembered that picture of SNow Jay drew a long time ago. I asked him about it. 

"It's still in my room," he said. I gave a nod. I ran back to the house to get it. I grabbed it ran back to the guild, handed it to Jay, and said,

"Give it to her." Jay walked up to Snow. 

"Momma," he said. "This is for you." 

Snow POV

Jay handed me a picture of me. I hugged him. That's when the whole guild shook.

"DON'T TELL ME THAT!" Natsu screamed. "I KNOW ROSE WILL LIVE! I KNOW IT!" I watched tears fall from his face.

Natsu POV

Rose can't die. Can she? I didn't want to believe what Mira told me. I couldn't believe it. I wasn't going to. No. Rose. ROSE. I ran into the infirmary. 

"Natsu," Rose said. She looked at me with a smile. She saw my tears. I couldn't lose my twin. "Listen. Natsu. I may not live. You know that. It's a fifty-fifty chance." My tears came down harder. I didn't want to lose her. Rose gave me a hug. 

"Don't worry, Natsu," Rose said. "I'll live through it. I promise." I looked at her.

"I promise I will do whatever it takes to protect you," I said. "I can't lose my little sister." 

"Hey," Rose said. "we're twins ding dong." 

"I know," I said. 

Snow POV

I felt bad for Natsu. He walked out of the infirmary. I smiled at him sympathetically. I walked up to him. He wasn't paying attention and he accidentally tripped and landed on top of me. This caused him to kiss me on accident.

"I'm sorry Snow!" he said. "I wasn't paying attention!" I just smiled. 

"It's okay," I said. "You're just lucky Gray didn't see it." 

"Mm-hmm," he said. That's when Mira and Wendy started running from outside the infirmary. 

"Natsu come quick!" Mira said. Natsu quickly got up and ran into the infirmary. 

Mira POV

I was holding Rose's hand while Natsu was holding her other one. Wendy was trying to heal her wound that had just reopened and was bleeding terribly. Wendy smiled.

"Her wound shouldn't reopen," she said. "I was able to close it and stop the bleeding. Now, if you excuse me, I must go continue watching Ruka and Emi." I smiled. Winter and Romeo had gone on a mission and left their one-year-old twins with Wendy to watch. They took Tulip with them since she knew so much about the place. I looked at Natsu. He was sitting on the bed beside Rose holding her hand ad what looked like praying. I walked out o the infirmary, leaving him and Rose some time alone. I knew his pain. Losing Lisanna.....

Rose POV

I felt Natsu's warmth on my hand. 

"Natsu," I said quietly. He looked at me. 

"You okay?" he asked. I saw the worry and sympathy in his eyes. I put a hand on his cheek. Lucy walked in. 

"Hey you two," she said. She sat down beside Natsu and hugged him tightly. She started telling him something that I couldn't hear. A shooting pain went through my body and I screamed from the pain. 

"ROSE!" was the last thing I heard. 

Snow POV

We heard screaming and Natsu shouting Rose. Mira went running into the infirmary and came out ushering Wendy inside the infirmary. Emi and Ruka looked confused but continued what they were doing. Wendy and Mira kept coming out of the infirmary, grabbing something and then running back in. Natsu and Lucy were pushed out of the infirmary. 

"LET ME IN!" Natsu shouted. "SHE'S MY SISTER! I SHOULD BE ALLOWED IN THERE!" He banged on the door a couple times but just stopped and leaned his head on the door. 

"Rose," he said. "Please live. Please. I can't lose you." He started to sob. He could hear him try and stifle them. I walked over to him. I gave him a hug and he just cried and cried away. 

"Natsu," I whispered quietly. "Listen. I'm here for you always. I love you like your my own brother. You've always been there for me. Let me be here for you. Let me repay you."

Natsu just nodded and continued to sob. Lucy gave me a smile and put a hand on Natsu's shoulder. 

"She'll be fine," I said. "Trust me. Trust me." 

I looked at Natsu. 

"Snow," he whispered. "Can I talk to you alone?" I nodded. Gray watched me and Natsu. After we got back, we went back to the infirmary. Mira and Wendy said she was fine. Just shooting pains every once in a while. 

"Who would be so evil as to do such a thing?" I asked. Natsu said one thing and one thing only.



Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!!! My friend Rene gave me the idea since I was having trouble with thinking of what to put. She decides if Rose lives or dies. She could always tell me through Google Hangouts or at school. 

Peace out ya guys!! 


Meow ^ ^ 0w0

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