Chapter 16: Jay X Nashi

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I was sitting at a table. I was sitting with Nashi. I smiled at her. She smiled back at me. We decided to go play outside by the cherry blossom tree. It was our favorite place to play.

"Where are you going?" Dad asked.

"The cherry blossom tree," Nashi said.

"Ok," Dad said. "You two have fun."

"We will!" I said, smiles spreading across our faces.

Gray POV

I was sitting at a table with Snow and Erza and Jellal talking to them when I had seen Jay and Nashi exiting the guild. They told me they were going to the cherry blossom tree. I didn't mind.

"Gray?" Snow asked.

"Huh?" I said.

"Are you sure it's okay to let Jay and Nashi go outside by themselves?"

"I trust them," I said. "And that is one of the most important things there could ever be in life for a child. Being able to trust their parents." Snow just smiled at me. "And also for their parents to trust them and each other." I put my hand on hers. Erza and Jellal had gone to Luke, their son, and took him outside to train.

"I love you, Snow," I said.

"I love you too Gray," Snow said. She smiled at me and got up to go and get a drink from Mira. I looked over at Romeo and Winter. Winter told us she could never turn back into a cat. Okay. That was interesting. They've had faces of fear for the past week.

"Are you guys okay?" I asked.

"Y-yea," they said at the same time. Romeo's dad then walked into the guild.

"Dad!" Romeo said. "I have to tell you something, and only you."

"How about you tell the whole guild?" Romeo's dad said ---A/N--- I have forgotten his name. I feel so bad. Back to the story. "Whatever you have to say to me, you can tell the guild."

"O-ok," Romeo said, he seemed really nervous and afraid to tell us whatever it was. " got....." He stopped. He looked at Winter. She nodded. "I accidentally got Winter...pregnant." The whole guild went silent.

"You...did...WHAT?" Macao screamed ---A/N--- I searched up his name. Yay! He glared Romeo down. "YOUR SIXTEEN! YOUR TOO YOUNG TO BE A FATHER!!" Romeo looked at the ground.

"I'm sorry," he pleaded. "It was an accident. I didn't mean too."

"Fine," Macao said. "You can keep the child. But you are not going to ask me for any advice on how to be a father. If you do, the child gets put up for adoption and you'll never see it again." Tears went down Romeo's face.

"Yes sir," he said. Romeo grabbed Winter and they left the guild hall.

"Just imagine if that was your sister Snow," I said to myself. But I guess I said it too loud because Snow said,

"She's smarter than that. She would know not to go and get herself all knocked up."

"Okay," I said. "Sorry."

---Time Skip---

Snow POV

Jay and Nashi came back in with big smiles on their faces.

"EVERYBODY GUESS WHAT!" Jay shouted. Everybody stopped what they were doing and looked at Jay and Nashi while some people said "What?"

"Me and Nashi are boyfriend and girlfriend now!" Jay said all excited.

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