Chapter 19: One Year

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---Continuing From Chapter: 18 What If?---

Gray POV

"How long was I passed out?" I asked.

"Well," Snow said. "One year."

"O-one y-year," I stammered. "WHAT?" My brain started going crazy I missed out on a lot of things. My eyes closed and opened again multiple times. No. I missed Jay and Jem's birthdays, my birthday, Snow's birthday, me and Snow's anniversary. Christmas. Tears slowly went down my face. I felt a pair of warm arms wrap around me.

"I know," Snow said. "I know you missed out on things." I looked at her. She smiled at me.

"Everybody brought you something," she said. "There's a very special one in there."

She handed me a present. It said, "To Gray From Snow." I opened up the present I saw Ur as an ice figure.

"Ur," I said quietly.

"Do you like it?" she asked me. I smiled and nodded. I sat up. It didn't hurt to sit up. Snow told me she would be right back but also put some more presents on my bed.

Snow POV

I walked out of the infirmary and shut the door. I walked into the guild hall. Everybody stared at me with hopeful eyes.

"He's awake," I said. Everybody smiled and Jay came running up to me.

"Can I go see Dad?" he asked. I gave him a smile.

"Not right now," I said.

"Why?" he wailed.

"He's opening all the stuff everybody left him," I explained. We heard Gray cheer. I looked at the door with a confused face. "What is going on in there?"

"That's so cool!" Gray shouted. He was muffled but we could understand him. "Snow!"

I ran into the infirmary.

"What are you so excited about?" I asked.

"This!" he said. He showed me a letter Jay had written to him.

"Oh," I said. "That." I smiled.

"Thank you, Jay!" Gray shouted.

"Your welcome Dad!" we heard Jay's muffled voice. Gray gave the biggest smile that I've ever seen. He tried to stand up.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Standing up," he said. "What's it look like I'm doing?" He stood up and didn't wobble at all.

"He's better," Mira said. She had walked in. "If he can stand without any trouble, he's fine now." I smiled at Gray. I attacked him with a hug. Something I hadn't been able to give to him in a long time.

"I love you, Snow," he said.

"I love you too," I said.

---Time Skip---

Gray POV

I had walked outside of the infirmary. Jay and Jem attacked me with hugs. Everybody else did too. Even Flame Brain.

"Glad to have you back Gray," he said. "Stripper."

"I'm not a stripper," I said.

"You have no shirt on," he said.

"Aw come on!" I said. Everybody was laughing but also having a good time. That's when I noticed Durango in the crowd.

"Oh yeah," Snow said. "Durango joined Fairy Tail. He also told me what happened to you."

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