Chapter 12: You Don't Understand

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Winter POV

Everybody stared at the doors to the guild hall for a moment.

"DADDY!!" Jay screeched, breaking the silence. He started running towards the door but I grabbed him by his bandana.

"Let me go!" he screamed.

"No," I said. "I can't." He fought with me for a little bit and I started to lose until I felt somebody's warmth. It was Romeo.

"I'll help you, love," he said. He was surprisingly really strong. For being 13.

"Fine!" Jay had given up. I gave Romeo an affectionate smile.

Me and him had gotten together a couple years ago. I started living with him so that way Gray and Snow could have my room to use for Jem or something.

"Poor kid looks down in the dumps," Romeo said. My smile turned into a frown.

"What?" he asked.

"Don't talk about Jay like that," I said. "Gray was hurt by what Snow had told him."

"I know why too," a voice perked up. The whole guild turned their heads toward her. It was Juvia. We always forgot she was at the guild because her and Lyon were always sitting in the corner talking to nobody but each other and their son Storm.

"How?" I asked.

"I overheard that conversation the day it happened," Juvia said. "But Snow and Jay didn't know I was there." I went wide-eyed. I hadn't even seen my sister ever since before Jem was born.

"I was also there one Christmas when Gray was sitting at his parents grave," she said. "But......"

"But what?" Erza asked.

"That's where Gray probably ran off too," Juvia said standing up. "We must go quickly."

Gray POV

I continued to run even though my legs stung. I finally made it.

"Gray?!" Snow shouted. I sat down on a log and stared at the ground.

"Are you okay?" Snow asked out of breath.

"Sure," I said. She sat down next to me.

"I can't get it out of my head," I said.

"Get what out of your head?" Snow asked. I explained my flashback to her of that one time when Juvia had followed me down here and told me something important about my dad. I was crying again.

Snow gave me a hug and we just sat there and rocked back and forth.

Romeo POV

Everybody, but Mira, was following Juvia to the place where she said Gray probably went. Mira stayed behind to watch the kids.

"Be careful guys," Juvia said, slowing down.

"Why?" I asked.

"I was there when I told Gray what happened with his dad since I was there and he wasn't."


"You don't understand," Juvia said.

"Understand what?" Winter asked.

"You don't understand Gray like me or Lyon do."

"I would think Snow understands him better than anyone," Winter said to me.

We all stopped abruptly.

"We're here," Juvia said.

Some of us stayed back. Only people that were in Gray's family or were close to him could go with Juvia. That was a lot less than even half of us.

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