Chapter Four

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James POV

I woke up next to something warm, Nicole. I smiled and pressed a kiss to her temple, causing her to smile in her sleep, which made me smile yet again. Until I noticed her arms.

They had scares on them. Her arms, they weren't covered. But it still pains me to think that she had to go through something so painful. By herself, with no one to help her.

Slowly, I picked up each arm and gently pressed my lips to her scars. It was the least I could do right now. But doing so she woke up, she looked scared for a moment as if she didn't recognize where she was, but then she looked at me and the brightest smile appeared on her face. I kissed her lips lightly.

Nicole's POV

Waking up next to someone I cared so deeply for was incredible. It didn't seem real, it's like I was still waiting for someone to slap me and tell me I was stupid to think that this was real. But it was, and that fact is what kept me going for the next week or so.

Turns out James and the boys had this idea of starting a band, I was all for it, especially because I saw how happy it made the four. However, they agreed that they should at least wait and finish high school first.

***2 hours later***

I was curled up with James on a couch as he wrote down things in his notebook, I decided to peek over and see what he was writing.

It was titled, For Whom The Bell Tolls, the lyrics read:

'Make his fight on the hill in the early day
Constant chill deep inside
Shouting gun, on they run through the endless grey
On they fight, for they're right
Yes, but who's to say?
For a hill, men would kill
Why? They do not know
Stiffened wounds test their pride
Men of five still alive through the raging glow
Gone insane from the pain that they surely know

For whom the bell tolls
Time marches on
For whom the bell tolls

[Verse 2]
Take a look to the sky just before you die
It's the last time he will
Blackened roar, massive roar fills the crumbling sky
Shattered goal fill his soul with a ruthless cry
Stranger now are his eyes to this mystery
Hears the silence so loud
Crack of dawn, all is gone except the will to be
Now they see what will be, blinded eyes to see

For whom the bell tolls
Time marches on
For whom the bell tolls'

I was mesmerized by the lyrics. I ran my fingers through James hair, "This song is amazing!" I exclaimed while smiling.

He twisted to look at me, "You think so?" He asked me. I immediately nodded me head while smiling.

Lars then came running down the stairs with Kirk chasing after him, Kirk then had Lars cornered which made James and I burst out laughing.

Cliff came waltzing into the room, he looked at us and smiled, a genuine smile.

"In case your wondering, which if I know you Nicole, you most definitely are, umm Lars may have touched Kirk's guitar. But! Before you go hating on Lars, Kirk was messing around with Lars' drums first," Cliff explained and I burst out laughing all over again, my abdomen was actually hurting by now. I had tears in my eyes as did James, eventually Cliff started laughing at us laughing which only made us laugh more.

This cycle continued for a solid 20 minutes. There wasn't even sound coming out now, it was just air.

Kirk and Lars were standing there, staring at us incredulously.

Eventually I calmed down and James and I moved so the boys could sit on the couch with us, I have gotten so close to these boys over the past week, of course James is still the only one who knows my secret, I really don't know when we are going to tell them. Hopefully soon.

School is tomorrow...okay so it definitely won't be anytime in the super near future but I know I'm going to tell them. I need too.

Cliffs POV

I truly do support James and Nicole, they are perfect for each other, I just hope they don't ever break up, because then we would lose Nicole, and she's become like a sister to me. I don't want to lose her too.

Nicole's POV

"So guys, school starts tomorrow..." I trailed off

"Are you nervous at all?" Kirk asked me, I shrugged even though I knew the answer already.

"Oh who am I kidding of course I am. Let's just say last year wasn't very pleasant. I never wanted to go back, but now I have you four. Maybe it'll be better this year. I highly doubt it, but you never know," I said and everyone smiled at me.

"Don't worry Nicole. We aren't going to let anything happen to you," Cliff said, man I loved Cliff, like a brother of course.

"Yeah man, anyone touches you and we'll kick their ass!" Lars exclaimed causing me and the rest of the boys to laugh. These guys were my best friends. Well, I considered Lars and Kirk as my best friends, Cliff as my brother, and James well, not too sure yet. But I'm positive with how I feel about him. I turned to him and smiled, he smiled back and set his arm on my shoulder.

"Okay guys, I think we should all get some rest before tomorrow. I also heard a rumour that the school is getting two new guys. Apparently they play guitar too! One of them plays bass and the other plays guitar and does vocals. Maybe we'll cross paths with these guys!" Kirk said and I smiled but also got nervous.

"That's great guys!" I said while smiling at everyone was we all got up and headed up the stairs to bed.

I hope tomorrow will be okay. I thought as James and I laid down.

I rested my head on his chest and heard him whisper one thing that I almost didn't hear.

"I will never let anyone hurt you in any way. You are mine." He whispered and kissed my head.
Then I fell asleep, completely and soundly. Safe in James's arms.

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