Chapter 7

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As soon as I sat down I was nearly bombarded with questions.

"Nicole! Why are you late?" That one was the one of which I chose to respond.

"Because I had to talk to Mr. Charles, you goof," I said to Lars since the question came from him.

My comment made us all start laughing, it was good to see these boys laughing after all they've been through.

They smiled at me and literally all brushed hair from their faces in unison, these boys could be quadruplets, even Jason honestly, with the way they're acting.

"So, Nicole, what were you talking to Mr. Charles about? Hmm?" Jason inquired and I laughed and threw a fry at him, sucker.

"Lots of shit, including my feelings for Jamesy," I said to them and they literally all awed like school girls.

Lars was about to add a comment when someone burst through the doors of the cafeteria and started shouting at Lars of all people. I stood up immediately after Lars did, he was glaring at this other boy, I had never seen him before either, but judging by the looks on the boys' faces, they recognized him really well.

James tried to stand up but I placed my hand on his shoulder and forced him down. I would have to ask the boys about this later. For now, though, I was gonna deal with this shithead yelling at my family.

I stormed over to them and pushed Lars back towards the table and growled-I have some experience with death metal screams and stuff, so yes, I literally growled-at this kid.

I saw fear spark in his eyes for a second until it was replaced with the same hatred as before, I just now noticed that everyone in the room was staring. Good.

I cracked my neck as I walked closer to this kid, when I was about less than a foot away I cracked my knuckles on both hands.

"Now, what the fuck is your problem with Lars? Because guess what? You do not get to walk in here, shouting at my family and then expect nothing to happen." I said and waved Cliff over, "Make sure the kids can't leave and teachers can't come in," I said to him in a stern voice and he nodded firmly. I turned back around to the kid and winded my arm right back and punched him square in the face, a lot of kids gasped as he fell to the ground, "Now, tell me the truth and that will be the last hit! What is your problem with Lars!" I shouted at him, and since I could carry my voice, my yell was really loud and reached every corner of the large cafeteria.

"I.." he said and smirked but stopped as if saying it would get him into worse trouble,

"Wrong move shithead," I said and kicked him in the stomach and then in the dick, making sure it hurt. That was all I allowed myself to do to him. I nodded at the boys to follow me and we left the room, Cliff was right outside the doors, looking like a bodyguard, I gripped his neck, "Good job," I said to him and he smiled and we continued walking.

"So, that was awesome and all but why was he shouting at you?" I asked randomly, but the question was directed at Lars mainly.

"Okay well, a bit ago there was a girl he liked, well, loved, but she played him while trying to get to me because him and I used to be friends then, he's hated me ever since, saying I stole his one true love when I didn't even date her" He said and I let out a laugh,

"That's such a stupid reason for hating someone honestly" I said as we exited the school and made our way back to the house before we ended up getting in trouble, I personally think everyone was too scared to rat us out, but you never know.

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