Chapter 5

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I stretched once James managed to actually get me out of bed.

I walked to his closet where some of my clothes were, and grabbed a pair of my light blue skinny jeans with rips in them, my Cannibal Corpse tee shirt, and my flannel, I walked to the bathroom to change.

After that, I walked downstairs and grabbed my light blue jean jacket and slipped that on, putting on my white Nike high tops to finish off my look. Which looked like how I dressed everyday.

As I looked around at the boys, we stared at each other for a few moments before bursting out laughing. We were all dressed very similarly. Cliff and I were the only ones who wore jean jackets. Because James has his leather jacket on, but with a jean jacket vest over it. Kirk was just wearing one of his black shirts. But aside from the top half of our bodies, we were identical. Except for Cliff. He was wearing brown boots while James, Lars, Kirk and I were all wearing our white Nike high tops. I also noticed Cliff owns mostly Misfits shirts. Makes sense what with them being his favourite band and all. I mean I myself own multitudes of Motörhead shirts.

Soon enough we were out the door and walking towards the school, it wasn't cold out but it wasn't hot either. Like, it was chilly but sunny at the same time.
Safe to say that the weather contradicted itself today.

As we were nearing the school, my anxiety got higher and higher, the boys weren't here last year, meaning they weren't there when the worst of my high school experience happened.

James grabbed my hand and squeezed it, as if it was his way of assuring me that everything would be fine.

We walked through the doors and everybody, and I do mean everybody stared, it was insane.

I gripped James hand even tighter. Cliff came to stand next to me and he glared at everyone who even looked at me. I smiled up at him.

After a few more seconds we were able to get to our lockers and go to class without too much hassle.


Halfway through 3rd period, I excused myself to go to the washroom, however on my way there, someone roughly forced me against the lockers. I felt them yank up my sleeve and I immediately knew who it was, he snickered. "I see the scars haven't faded, guess that means I won't have to make them reappear," he said while smirking, I glared at him

"Get OFF OF ME! JAMES. HELP!!" I shouted, but he only pressed me harder against the lockers. I started to wince because he was pressing to hard on my scars.

"Oh no little thing your mine!" He shouted back at me

"Dave?! Get the fuck off of her!" I heard someone shout. Thank god.

James pinches Dave out cold before speed walking with me to a secluded corner

"How do you know Dave?" He asked me. I sighed.
"At my old school, before I moved here two years ago. Dave and I dated, it was great at first, but then he started drinking and taking drugs and he got abusive, these scars on my arms? I didn't put them there, they aren't self inflicted, he did that, he dragged that blade across my arm over and over again, by moving here I thought I would get away, but I was wrong. He followed me here two years later. I guess he's one of the two new guys," I explained. James nodded and pulled me in for a hug.

"Yeah, last year ago I was good buds with him. I too moved to get away from his foolish habits and behaviour," he said and I nodded and we walked away and back to class.

Just as we sat down in 4th, the other new kid walked in. The teacher stood up to introduce him, "Class, this is one of our new students, his name is Jason Newsted, please make him feel welcome," he just nodded awkwardly. He looked like he belonged in our group, same style and everything, he had long curly brown hair. The only seat was next to the boys and I so of course he sat here, we were to be nice. Obviously.

"So, my name is Nicole, this is James, Cliff, Lars, and Kirk," I said, introducing us all. He smiled at us, "As you know, I'm Jason, do you guys play any instruments?" He questioned. I nodded, "Well. They do, I don't really," I said and shrugged which made James laugh.

"Oh please Nicole, I know damn well you can shred on a guitar. Any guitar actually," James bragged about me, "That's awesome! We all have to play together sometime!" Jason proposed. We all smiled, this dude was definitely going to fit in nicely with us.

Maybe this school year won't be that bad, that is unless Dave disturbs the peace again.
But I have the boys to protect me and vice versa...okay so I know I am a girl and probably couldn't protect them very well but it's the thought that counts

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